Another hypothetical situation thread Vol. Memento

Jan 22, 2011
Scenario 1:
You have an accident which causes you to become unable to create new memories.
You still remember everything up until the point when you had the accident.
You can no longer make new relationships with people because every time you meet someone, you don’t remember meeting them.
You have to resort to making a huge memory bank just to remember new places you’ve been to, new people you know, etc.

Scenario 2:
All of your memories are erased and you have to make new memories, relationships, etc.
Everything that you knew that makes you who you were are erased.
All of your previous friends, family, relationships, still remember you and try to show you that they knew you/related to them via pix, paternity tests, etc but you are unable to recall ever spending a second of your life with them.

Would you rather have Anterograde amnesia and keep the memories that you have up until you had the accident or would you rather have all of your memories erased and start life over?
Originally Posted by JFMartiMcDandruff

2, wouldn't you end up turning back to your old self eventually?

I don't think anyone would really pick 1. Just seems so much more of a hassle
2.... You know that tranatic childhood experience that now causes you to do something stupid and irrational?

When you have amnesia, do you forget how to do basic life skill processes (e.g. driving, tying your shoes, playing sport) as well?

To answer the question, I'm picking 2.
Scenario 1 would seem like a reasonable option if you had really good relationships with the people in your life before you got the amnesia.
2. On 1 I could never do anything pretty much, at least I wouldn't really be aware of it.
Scenario 2. The cons here is that if memories are truly erased along with experiences and all of those brain patterns there's a possibility you end up a worse person than you were before and some ppl could take advantage of you by claiming you had past relationships/friendships with them (not everyone is naturally skeptical).

In scenario 1 you're basically living in the past because those are the only memories you have. Everyday you'll assume it's Monday cuz yesterday was Sunday and that's the last day you remember. If you want to call it a pro you do get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to acting reckless when you meet new ppl or are in new situations. THE WORST PART IS, you're gonna wake up one day 60 years old wondering where the hell did all the time go and what happened to you.

Plus now that I think about it Memento was a good movie but in the end we found even he was being manipulated and although he managed to make his life have purpose it became hollow and without honor.
Easily 2.

You can never get back those memories, but I'd rather be able to make new ones than trapped in the past unable to experience anything new.

Plus, if you run into an old friend from high school that you never want to see again, you have an excuse to ignore them.
If I choose 2 and get all my memory erased, I still have my original potential to learn and be smart, right?

If that was the case, I'd take 2 without hesitation.
imma say 2.
because like in the movie momento, i would lose all the people i love right?
knowing that happened would be worst of all.
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