Angry Man Confronts PanHandling "Homeless" 78 y/o Grandmother After Seeing Her in New Car

May 25, 2001

Sure it happens all over the country, but Penn in OKC is notorious for this (professional panhandlers). Kats don't even dress the part, just show up on the corner with signs in designer Jeans, leather jackets, and Jordans looking all freshly groomed. I'm like, "nope, you're either not homeless or it's your first day." They also sell bottled water on the street corners with some sign with a boohoo story.

I caught a guy doing this exact thing getting into a Mercedes though in a different gas station in OKC by the outlet mall, literally just folded up his sign, looked around, and went and got in his car and pulled off

Old lady begs for money at the same place every day
Man who goes out of his way to give her money every day, even foregoing eating himself, sees her in a new Fiat and confronts her
Filmed by bystander who was just taking a pic because she realized she had been duped herself
Grandma defends herself, she is not a bad person because she goes to church every Sunday and has a panhandling permit, which is apparently a thing
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 @ Pan Handling Permit

 @ the grandmother's family being "appalled" at the video

 @ "I talked to my minister and he said it was okay"

 @ at this lazy *** *** 
It would be more upsetting if she was able bodied. If she has no income and no husband / family to take care of her, than by all means, if you aren't to proud to beg. Do I think she is taking advantage and most likely living beyond her means by accepting more than needs, yeah? You don't have to give anyone anything you don't want to. 

Man who goes out of his way to give her money every day, even foregoing eating himself, sees her in a new Fiat and confronts her
 he doesn't deserve to have an opinion...IMO 

he not eat-IIIING...literally
It would be more upsetting if she was able bodied. If she has no income and no husband / family to take care of her, than by all means, if you aren't to proud to beg. Do I think she is taking advantage and most likely living beyond her means by accepting more than needs, yeah? You don't have to give anyone anything you don't want to. 

She IS able bodied. She is just old
Ain't a panhandler in this world that'll ever get a dollar outta me.

Living in Austin, these people make me sick.  There are panhandlers at pretty much every intersection, including highway intersections.  People here bring there young children with them to dry to draw sympathy as well.  My girl and I have seen the same family camped out in front of grocery stores all over the greater Austin area begging.

9/10 times these people are just straight up scamming.  I honestly wish the option was there to lock up the panhandlers as a preventative measure.
I try to just give pan handlers what they're asking for the money for if it's within my means. I can get them lunch or a drink if it's cheap enough, but I can't give them straight cash if they're pooling it to pay for luxuries in a scam or drugs and alcohol.

This one addict looking guy asked me for change to buy a bottle of apple juice and I just bought him the juice. When I turned the corner, he left it on a ledge and asked another person for some money.
Living in Austin, these people make me sick.  There are panhandlers at pretty much every intersection, including highway intersections.  People here bring there young children with them to dry to draw sympathy as well.  My girl and I have seen the same family camped out in front of grocery stores all over the greater Austin area begging.

9/10 times these people are just straight up scamming.  I honestly wish the option was there to lock up the panhandlers as a preventative measure.


Brah lets not go to far. Some of these people actually need help

Now we gonna lock someone up for just asking for money to feed their kids :rolleyes
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It would be more upsetting if she was able bodied. If she has no income and no husband / family to take care of her, than by all means, if you aren't to proud to beg. Do I think she is taking advantage and most likely living beyond her means by accepting more than needs, yeah? You don't have to give anyone anything you don't want to. 
She IS able bodied. She is just old
Not what I would consider able bodied. I don't know anywhere that would hire a 78 yer old woman to work. Even if there was I doubt she would last. My grandmother is only a few years younger and is a lot healthier than this woman appears to be. It's is tough getting old. Not condoning her buying a new car and taking more than she needs. However, if she wants to go out and beg to make ends meet, that's between her and the people who choose to give her money.

Just the way I see it. 
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Brah lets not go to far. Some of these people actually need help

Now we gonna lock someone up for just asking for money to feed their kids
Actually, yes.  If you are using your toddlers and infant to try to scam money out of people then you deserve to have CPS called, lose your kids, and get locked up.  If you drive your family up in a van and make them stand out in the hot sun on a blazing Texas summer day trying to scam hardworking people out of there money, you deserve to lose everything.
let us reverse roles.

would y'all go south on Mary South for what she makes in a day panhandling? 
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