....and y'all sposed to be his fans...

Kev you could've made this list longer for my entertainment. I was laughin' out loud readin' that..."I guess..." list.

Seems like most opinions are based on quality of video.
Originally Posted by TOWEH

One of these days it would be cool for some folks to come to the table with a complete finished project (you know an album, videos, and a lil press) vs. just taking a crap and a shot at another artist ...

But that's just me ... and the way I was raised ...

I'm not saying nothing unless I can either do it better or I have something good to say ...

Originally Posted by lavan emanuel

Truthfully, I have never even seen the "original" video that this is a "remake" of.
after seeing the original compared to this......Wale should of just left it alone....uptown roamers i like much more..dont't worry there still thatinterscope video coming....so im sure he will please us all when the time comes....
Ya'll ate me up (and the Mase clip got me
) and I got a great laugh out of the other post ... but I'm just saying that we have cats like Kenny and Lavan on here that know the videoproduction side of the game

And I'm sure that there are a lot more talented brothers with good/great business minds like Kev & Tommy on here that could lend cats a helping handvs. just being fed up with the status quo and taking a crap in something you don't like ...

When KB, Lo, Bai, Slick, GJ, & I started 2620 it was all about how we could make something better ... and in turn our thinking got us to where we are now...

Now if you don't care for dude and all that then let it be know and keep moving ...

I think I'm just tired of coming on this forum and hearing what m@'f*k@'s don't like ... vs.constructive criticism ...

I mean if we all know so much then share it ... and if you can't share because of student loans and or gas prices ... set up a meeting and offer yourservices for a fee ... you could start a business from just one meeting (MESSAGE!)

I think its easy for all of us to sit at home and point fingers at our screens ... but the point I'm making is about "each one teach one"

If you got a skill share it ... The greatest gift is education folks ...

And if ya'll bamas don't get that ... You were raised wrong

Most folks here know what I can do.

Some have no clue. Even the ones that know I do flyers have no clue that I also do:

3D Modeling & Animation - Using Industry Standard Applications
Audio Editing
Video Editing & Compositing
Motion Graphics
Animation for Web
Interactive CD-Roms

And a host of other things.

My skillset punishes a rack of folks.

I just don't get enough hours in a day.

I'm within reach though.

Also, I don't feel like your comment was directed at me. lol.

But I had to boast about what I can do. lmao.
Mass Communications 1-0-1; Public figure v. Private figure... I think I scored a 70 on that quiz, which was passing.

Besides, this is NT, I'm going ECW -- to deeeee exterrreeeme -- every chance I get.

LaVan, don't you have Wale's number? Call him and stop advertising in his thread or at least pay him to do it.
Lavan nice shameless plug!

I didn't graduate with a film degree, but y two roommates did, so I am familiar with Avid (an industry standard editing software) and the video looked likeI could have made it using iDVD. What the consensus seems to be is that the vid was poor quality, and if you are going to pay someone to make a video for youget your money's worth.


If anyone needs some solid stocks in mutual funds they want to invest in let me know.
Lavan you better call that cat and a bunch of these other cats that are putting out videos! You could be the next Rick Cordero pimp!

And trust me my tirade was on all of us ... me included!

Like I said a long time ago ... When we moved 2620 to the West coast I finally got my the wake up call about how little love we show our own folks back home!So now that we have a concrete movement building in our area with the likes of Wale, Tabi, Marky & other rappers we need to build on it and make it amovement ...

We had an artist (TQ/"Westside Till I Die")�that ended up on our roster because of ties to our investor and for the life of me I didn'tunderstand why we were wasting our time with dude ...

I mean we had never heard of him on the East so I figured he meant nothing!

Man I was wrong ... They loved dude from Diego to the Bay and probably up here in PDX too!

But it was simply because of the fact that he was a West Coast artist reppin' the West and the West gave him the same love!

Now imagine if the "UREA" got behind all f our artist the same way!!!

I'm just proud of where I'm from and I'll pump it up (unless we in the wrong) until I die!
I got a homeboy that shoots. But #%# wont let me edit cuz he tried to stick me with the motiongraphics. lol.

I used Premiere mostly. Dont have a dongle for Avid.
I know Final Cut Pro though. All the same to me.

To answer the earlier question, naw I don't have a contact # for Wale. I think I have a Manager's number though.
I think I just brokered a connection, I want my cut!

Toweh, I feel what you are saying; and in talking about TQ, you made a great point. It took more than his backyard. There needs to be more than the metro. Youneed Baltimore, Philly, Richmond, Norfolk, etc. to get on the wagon if you are looking for a grass roots movement. But I say this knowing full well that theinternet has brought people closer.

At the end of the day, dude will be okay. The "hate" is free motivation. The constructive criticism can mean nothing or everything. It could be thedumbest, most irrelevant @!$ or it could be something you never thought of that makes perfect sense. Top tier artist don't get to the top because everyonethought there @!$ was the best.

And Toweh probably knows this the best, an artist's rep. is usually done in by the hangers-on, not the music.
Originally Posted by Scott Scotch

At the end of the day, dude will be okay.
That says it all, bottom line is that Wale hooked up with one of the hottest producers in the business right now and signed to his label whichis affiliated with Interscope, his circumstances and timing couldn't be better with the resources he has at his disposal right now to fulfill hispotential.
TOWEH wrote:
Lavan you better call that cat and a bunch of these other cats that are putting out videos! You could be the next Rick Cordero pimp!

And trust me my tirade was on all of us ... me included!

Like I said a long time ago ... When we moved 2620 to the West coast I finally got my the wake up call about how little love we show our own folks back home! So now that we have a concrete movement building in our area with the likes of Wale, Tabi, Marky & other rappers we need to build on it and make it a movement ...

We had an artist (TQ/"Westside Till I Die")�that ended up on our roster because of ties to our investor and for the life of me I didn't understand why we were wasting our time with dude ...

I mean we had never heard of him on the East so I figured he meant nothing!

Man I was wrong ... They loved dude from Diego to the Bay and probably up here in PDX too!

But it was simply because of the fact that he was a West Coast artist reppin' the West and the West gave him the same love!

Now imagine if the "UREA" got behind all f our artist the same way!!!

I'm just proud of where I'm from and I'll pump it up (unless we in the wrong) until I die!

�� Soooooooooo in short what you are saying is that regardless of whether or not I think Wale is trash I should support him because of his geographicalrelationship to where I live? That somehow makes his music better or more appeasing to me? I listen to dudes regardless of where they are from, location haslittle to no bearing on how I feel about you. I don't care for the guys music, nor the way he has carried himself on this message board.

I don't get some of you guys.
stop being an $%+%+#$ varioxfan..

some of you just don't get it.

one of the most inspiring posts i've ever read on NT, word to esaie.

Just dont get what? I understand what he means to YOU, but as someone who listens to music....Wale does nothing for me, sorry sneakaman dan.
Well, I've shared and educated before, and basically got crapped on. I guess it was due to my connections to certain opinionated NT'ers who are myfriends regardless.

I'm always up for the sharing and the passing of information, especially those who seek it.

Give me one pass for 2008...

IT, you say?

... I got "it" when threads got deleted.

... I got "it" in the Washington post "corrections."

... I got "it" during the VCU/Hyperlink visits.

... I got "it" now looking as I glance and see who's in the background of recent pics and youtube videos.

... He's always had "it." His "it" is an actual talent in a particular fieldand capitalizing off it. Unlike the other "its" who wish they had "it" like that.

O this is not directed to any one person ... I'm just trying to say if it's not Wale then let it be somebody else that is from the area that you showyour support to...

VARISOXFAN ... man think about what I'm saying ... IT'S NOT ABOUT WALE ... it's about supporting your area and helping to build a movement...

I'm going to support dude because I see a chance for DC to shine the proper way ... And I think his music is good!

It's sad that you can't separate your emotions to view things objectively… you said that you are judging dude by the way he carried himself on thismessage board … that's ignorant … what does that have to do with his music?

And you mentioned a few artists (in the other Wale Dance thread) that wouldn't even share the same stage with dude … and I'm not saying that theyaren't decent MC's (because I have no idea who they are) but man think about it … they are probably talking about two different types of subjectmatter!

Would Jay-Z & KRS do a show together … No but they are both ridiculously viscous MC's! Their styles are contradictory pimp …

And you also sound like a dummy saying you listen to music … man if you did that you could be objective

I also think you missed my point earlier … I'm just tired of coming on this forum only to hear cats like you just kvetching about things vs. sayingsomething insightful …

If you don't have something good to share along with your gripe then don't post your tired rants about what you don't like …

And thanks for the shout Dan!
TOWEH wrote:
O this is not directed to any one person ... I'm just trying to say if it's not Wale then let it be somebody else that is from the area that you show your support to...

VARISOXFAN ... man think about what I'm saying ... IT'S NOT ABOUT WALE ... it's about supporting your area and helping to build a movement...

I'm going to support dude because I see a chance for DC to shine the proper way ... And I think his music is good!

I thought about it, and it makes no sense to me, and actually boarders the line of moronic. Supporting my area? I pay taxes and volunteer mytime. I support my area just fine without riding the jock of a D list rapper with an over inflated ego. Wale's success or lack there of has no bearing onmy life, I enjoy music and listening to music regardless of the area they are from, what does it matter?

Some of you ride this "PUTTING DC ON THE MAP" stuff a little to hard. You act like you go out of town and when you tell people you are from DC theydon't know where it is and that the emergence of Wale is going to enlighten people to where DC is on the map. Put DC on the map musically? Ummmm and? Youwant a "My Block: DC" on MTV?

In short, I am not "supporting" something I think is trash JUST BECAUSE.

I hope this has been "insightful" enough for you. You came to the wrong place if you think everyone is going to have doe eyes over this guy on thiswebsite and that he is God's gift to the earth.
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