and we're done

This game is pissing me off. We should be up by 20+

Stupid TOs, refs are calling some weak *** fouls on both teams. Defense is collapsing and Pierce is hitting those crippled threes :x
Amare is trying to at least find his offense. Good showing with the first step but bad execution...
Melo's two fouls he just picked up were stupid on his part. He knows the refs are calling the game tight and you're all over him while he's just standing there? Dumb as ****
I wish i could smack the **** out of breen. Just wind back and smack
I honestly can take it anymore. I get madder about his calls then our poor play. He dives at any and every chance to cosign the refs and then when the replay shows otherwise he makes a subtle backtrack hoping no one notices. It's like a newspaper printing a page 1 article slandering a celeb for something they didn't do and then printing a one inch retraction after the fact
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