American Psycho Question....

"I have to return some video tapes"

My favorite line
Originally Posted by CreekShow

The way I took the movie is that they were all basically the same people. Like they all looked alike, acted alike, and all that. I mean Paul Allen thought Bale was another dude the whole time. Im guessing people got them mixed up. The lawyer said he had dinner with Paul but I think he thought it was him and it was actually another one of those guys. And the Paul Allen apt thing they thought he had committed all those murders and just wanted to cover it up. Thats how my roommate explained the movie to me and it kinda made sense. Ive only seen it one time maybe i need to watch it again.
Joint could have went either way. This would make sense to
I knew it wasn't real after he made the cop car explode. No cop car is exploding from a couple of rounds from a 9mm.
at the end i was just confused. but on a side note his brother is Sean Bateman from rules of attraction, another good flick
After reading thru some of the synopsis I get it now. Bout to watch it again. Today was only my second time watching it.

Bateman's control over his violent urges deteriorates. His murders become increasingly sadistic and complex, progressing from stabbings to drawn outsequences of torture, rape, mutilation, cannibalism, and necrophilia. His mask of normality appears to slip as he introduces stories about serial killers intocasual conversations, and confesses his murderous activities to his co-workers. In every case the context for his "confessions" seems to override theinformation he is imparting. People react as if Bateman is joking with them, or appear not to hear him, or completely misunderstand him ("murders andexecutions" is mistaken for "mergers and acquisitions"). As the book nears its conclusion, Bateman describes incidents such as seeing aCheerio interviewed on a talk show, being stalked by an anthropomorphic park bench, and being ordered, by an ATM, to feed it with a kitten.
at the end i was just confused. but on a side note his brother is Sean Bateman from rules of attraction, another good flick
It's crazy how they tied the Bateman's together in both movie. Definitely
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