America no longer world's largest economy

Speaking of, the US just approved military defense spending bill of $585,000,000,000 to fight ISIS; the same group they help yeah, not surprised by this at all.
you think we are using the whole budget to fight isis?!?!

this defense bill is juts the annual military budget for all military operations... with a 1% increase in all soldiers paychecks.

Stop with the sensationalism, leave that to fox news
But it's welfare that's making us "broke"

Military welfare. Dwight Eisenhower warned the US citizens to be weary of the military machine within this country from taking over as he left office.

Well, these pro military senators and representatives have surely done exactly what Eisenhower predicted would happen and people are only now slowly waking up.
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he posted a follow up article that states it's not all for fighting ISIS

but it's still and absurd amount of money to spend on defense

but i guess that's what happens when the main thing a country manufactures is wars
Military welfare. Dwight Eisenhower warned the US citizens to be weary of the military machine within this country from taking over as he left office.

Well, these pro military senators and representatives have surely done exactly what Eisenhower predicted would happen and people are only now slowly waking up.

Agreed, but you have people still talking about how social services/safety nets are making the country go broke. It's a drop in the bucket compared to military spending and corporate welfare.
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he posted a follow up article that states it's not all for fighting ISIS

but it's still and absurd amount of money to spend on defense

but i guess that's what happens when the main thing a country manufactures is wars
It really is yet some folks would have you believing that it's "entitlements" that are hurting the economy 
. War is a racket and unfortunately business is booming when the bombs are dropping.
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Military welfare. Dwight Eisenhower warned the US citizens to be weary of the military machine within this country from taking over as he left office.

Well, these pro military senators and representatives have surely done exactly what Eisenhower predicted would happen and people are only now slowly waking up.

ike was pissed they wouldn't let him in on all the black budget stuff so he blew his whistle

and i think right now, some are awake while other are more pacified than ever before
It really is yet some folks would have you believing that it's "entitlements" that are hurting the economy :lol: . War is a racket and unfortunately business is booming when the bombs are dropping.

people need to wake up war and putting people in prison shouldn't be businesses and both are huge in this country
ike was pissed they wouldn't let him in on all the black budget stuff so he blew his whistle

and i think right now, some are awake while other are more pacified than ever before

Yea, I just find it funny that one of the greatest war generals that the US had is the one that did it. You never see someone of this sort of prominence ever blow the whistle on the hand that fed him.

Well, at least in this day and age.
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people need to wake up war and putting people in prison shouldn't be businesses and both are huge in this country
Agreed,the military and prison industrial complex have to be up there as some of the biggest strains on society. How is it that as time moves on the crime rate goes down yet the prison population keeps growing? It's no surprise that the US now has the highest prison population in history when private prisons are big business,it's legit morbid just thinking about it 
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China is also making major moves in Africa. Many are marrying and having children with African women. Solidifying their roots and rights to land. But they too will fall and another one will take over.
they're in africa BIG TIME 
Military welfare. Dwight Eisenhower warned the US citizens to be weary of the military machine within this country from taking over as he left office.

Well, these pro military senators and representatives have surely done exactly what Eisenhower predicted would happen and people are only now slowly waking up.
The military propaganda extends to all levels of our society.  I'm not saying that these guys aren't brave and all that, but just look at our media and how pervasive the military commercials are.  The NBA does a week of pro-military stuff and the NFL does a month of it.   Army and Navy commercials run at all times, and in a disturbing trend they're starting to show these commercials as if they are First Person Shooter video games.  All of this is propaganda that benefits the military industrial complex.  Shoutout to Zero Dark Thirty.
The military propaganda extends to all levels of our society.  I'm not saying that these guys aren't brave and all that, but just look at our media and how pervasive the military commercials are.  The NBA does a week of pro-military stuff and the NFL does a month of it.   Army and Navy commercials run at all times, and in a disturbing trend they're starting to show these commercials as if they are First Person Shooter video games.  All of this is propaganda that benefits the military industrial complex.  Shoutout to Zero Dark Thirty.
QFT,you really start seeing how deeply influential it is when you realize just how militaristic American society is. That and all the politicians from both parties that receive major contributions from defense contractors.
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[emoji]128514[/emoji] at nobody saw this coming.
Doesn't really matter bro. Were still viewed as the hedgemon.
Our influence is still huge over the world and in china as well.
Saw this coming

China is a well oiled machine, murica is a slowly weight gaining house wife
Saw this coming

China is a well oiled machine, murica is a slowly weight gaining house wife
Not necessarily. Although the big Chinese cities are prospering, many of the rural areas are still struggling with a ******** of poor people. I see it as a disaster waiting to happen if anything, atleast a complete reform if not full revolution. Not to mention also that the government is pseudo-commy capitalist entity, can't have both going on without problems arising.
ironically "the american dream" is the reason america isnt #1 anymore

the same dream that lead to all the great innovations that caused america to be #1 is what is making americans feel too entitled to work the low end jobs that are outsourced to china

people complain about chinese people taking american jobs when they would never agree to work in the conditions that chinese workers work in

it takes hardship to get to the top and americans feel like they are too good to have to endure any hardship 
ironically "the american dream" is the reason america isnt #1 anymore

the same dream that lead to all the great innovations that caused america to be #1 is what is making americans feel too entitled to work the low end jobs that are outsourced to china

people complain about chinese people taking american jobs when they would never agree to work in the conditions that chinese workers work in

it takes hardship to get to the top and americans feel like they are too good to have to endure any hardship 

Outsourcing to other countries is based on business decisions, it saves the companies money and keeps prices down to appease the customers. It has nothing to do with American Ingenuity.
ironically "the american dream" is the reason america isnt #1 anymore

the same dream that lead to all the great innovations that caused america to be #1 is what is making americans feel too entitled to work the low end jobs that are outsourced to china

people complain about chinese people taking american jobs when they would never agree to work in the conditions that chinese workers work in

it takes hardship to get to the top and americans feel like they are too good to have to endure any hardship 
Outsourcing to other countries is based on business decisions, it saves the companies money and keeps prices down to appease the customers. It has nothing to do with American Ingenuity.
exactly, there is nothing wrong with what the companies are doing

if americans want their jobs back from developing nations then they have to be willing to work in the conditions and next to no pay like their asian counterparts 
exactly, there is nothing wrong with what the companies are doing

if americans want their jobs back from developing nations then they have to be willing to work in the conditions and next to no pay like their asian counterparts 
I think it is the companies and customers faults but, I do agree with you for the most part. Same situation with the migrant jobs that are being "stolen".
exactly, there is nothing wrong with what the companies are doing

if americans want their jobs back from developing nations then they have to be willing to work in the conditions and next to no pay like their asian counterparts 
I think it is the companies and customers faults but, I do agree with you for the most part. Same situation with the migrant jobs that are being "stolen".
i dont think its anyone's fault, the goal of any company is to maximize profit. maximizing profit is pretty much what america was built on.

capitalism is the reason europeans have been the dominant force in the world for the past ____ years, and is the main reason for china's rise to power today 
This is equally the fault of America's destruction of its middle class to benefit the wealthy as it is China's determination to be where it was 1000+ years ago.

EDIT: Post 4000
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