Am I the only person that think the fear of illegal imigration is absurd?

you can vote if your an illegal immigrant?

Didn't know that

No but your legal kids and relatives can. Of course they're voting in the guy who wants to give gramps amnesty.

Open borders is ******ed but our legal path to citizenship is never going to be fixed as long as racist people in power are afraid of losing voting power. All the news stories that say whites are going to be the minorities in 2050 has them really shook
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It's really a xenophobia and racist thing that they won't openly admit so they come with all that they took our jobs, taxes paying for non-Americans, etc. double speak.

I also feel the only ppl that are really worried about that are ppl from the South and midwest.
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All the news stories that say whites are going to be the minorities in 2050 has them really shook

This is what I think is likely the root

Nah, it is because the conservative based is this country is racist as ****
In the news.. .tell me again the fear isn't rational?

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal immigrant rapists, murderers: report

According to the statistics, the aliens released by ICE had amassed 13,636 convictions for driving under the influence, 1,589 weapons offenses, 994 aggravated assaults, 56 arsons and 31 smuggling offenses.

View media item 1492998

It isn't

For it to be you would have to prove the MAJORITY of illegals are criminals.

There are plenty of rapist and murders that here legally. So I ask you, are you afraid of American citizens too then?
In the news.. .tell me again the fear isn't rational?

Feds releasing hundreds of illegal immigrant rapists, murderers: report

According to the statistics, the aliens released by ICE had amassed 13,636 convictions for driving under the influence, 1,589 weapons offenses, 994 aggravated assaults, 56 arsons and 31 smuggling offenses.

View media item 1492998

Stop standing on the grave of a dead kid to make a cheap political point.

I posted an example of the fear that people have of illegal immigrants living in our communities.

Were the murderers illegal immigrants, or were they just Ol fashion American gang-members?

Shaw described how his son was murdered while walking on the street three doors away from his home by an illegal immigrant recently released from jail.

“He shot my son in the stomach and then in the head. Killing him. Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a while police man? The district attorney proved in court that my son was murdered because he was black and wearing a spiderman backpack,” Shaw said.

The grieving father said that he believed that the death could have been prevented. “Jameil shouldn’t be dead,” he testified.

“Why was this violent illegal alien allowed to walk the streets of America, instead of being deported?” Shaw asked. “Why was ICE not called to pick up this violent invader? We were promised that the federal government would keep us safe from violent illegal aliens.”

Shaw referenced the recent uproars over the murders of young African American men and the meme “Hands up. Don’t shoot,” that some have adopted as a rally cry.
Stop standing on the grave of a dead kid to make a cheap political point.

I posted an example of the fear that people have of illegal immigrants living in our communities.

Were the murderers illegal immigrants, or were they just Ol fashion American gang-members?

Shaw described how his son was murdered while walking on the street three doors away from his home by an illegal immigrant recently released from jail.

“He shot my son in the stomach and then in the head. Killing him. Do black lives really matter? Or does it matter only if you are shot by a white person or a while police man? The district attorney proved in court that my son was murdered because he was black and wearing a spiderman backpack,” Shaw said.

The grieving father said that he believed that the death could have been prevented. “Jameil shouldn’t be dead,” he testified.

“Why was this violent illegal alien allowed to walk the streets of America, instead of being deported?” Shaw asked. “Why was ICE not called to pick up this violent invader? We were promised that the federal government would keep us safe from violent illegal aliens.”

Shaw referenced the recent uproars over the murders of young African American men and the meme “Hands up. Don’t shoot,” that some have adopted as a rally cry.
The only problem is that the fear isn't rational and has no basis upon reality:
you can vote if your an illegal immigrant?

Didn't know that

You caught me. I had no idea they couldn't vote. you want to be smug or have a conversation?

The kids that are born here or their legal relatives tend to vote democratic.

many also believe that democrats want to give millions of illegal immigrants rights which would eventually include the right to vote and social security.

It should be common sense to be against illegal immigration. i know legal immigrants who get furious over this conversation.
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Im native american. Everyone is illegal to me
Damn, I like that 
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The only problem is that the fear isn't rational and has no basis upon reality:

To understand why this perception exists, Wang applied what’s known as a “minority threat perspective,” a theory that seeks to explain why “minorities are treated differently by law enforcement.” For this particular study, data was used from a poll of more than 1,000 people in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas.

A study based on a poll of 1,000 surveyed people in 3 states written by Xia Wang, Associate professor at ASU? Hmmmmm :rolleyes Not to discredit her work but I need to read the entire study.

Any other studies that can prove why ordinary Americans shouldn't have a rational fear of criminals whom are illegals?
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You caught me. I had no idea they couldn't vote. you want to be smug or have a conversation?

The kids that are born here or their legal relatives tend to vote democratic.

many also believe that democrats want to give millions of illegal immigrants rights which would eventually include the right to vote and social security.

It should be common sense to be against illegal immigration. i know legal immigrants who get furious over this conversation.
you being defensive and I legit didn't know, famb
The only problem is that the fear isn't rational and has no basis upon reality:
To understand why this perception exists, Wang applied what’s known as a “minority threat perspective,” a theory that seeks to explain why “minorities are treated differently by law enforcement.” For this particular study, data was used from a poll of more than 1,000 people in Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada and Texas.
A study based on a poll of 1,000 surveyed people in 3 states written by Xia Wang, Associate professor at ASU? Hmmmmm
Not to discredit her work but I need to read the entire study.

Any other studies that can prove why ordinary Americans shouldn't have a rational fear of criminals whom are illegals?

Overall it was a good read and for the most part I agree. The only issue I have with those articles is that it doesn't isolate illegal immigrants and the criminal element impact on society. A lot of it is common sense because a good majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, do not come to America to be a criminal... that's a given. They traveled all this way to live here and would be dumb to risk getting deported or losing their alien status over petty crime.
you can vote if your an illegal immigrant?

Didn't know that

You caught me. I had no idea they couldn't vote. you want to be smug or have a conversation?

The kids that are born here or their legal relatives tend to vote democratic.

many also believe that democrats want to give millions of illegal immigrants rights which would eventually include the right to vote and social security.

It should be common sense to be against illegal immigration. i know legal immigrants who get furious over this conversation.

Stop being so defensive.

-Tons of people tend to vote democrat for many reason: because they support gay marriage, women rights, cause the oppose the advancement of white supremacy, they believe in global warming is a problem, their economics beliefs, etc. Black people tend to vote black, so do Asians, Muslims, women, and the highly educated. To imply that a Latino voter whose relative doesn't have status, would only vote Democrat because of the hope of immigration reform is myopic. The GOP gives that person a ton of other reason to vote Democrat other than immigration reform.

-Annnnnnnnnd other thing. Obama has been deporting people in record numbers. People upset with him over not pushing harder for immigration reform where calling him the "Deporter and Chief" for a while.

-Democrats what to give undocumented immigrants legal permanent status and path to citizenship, it is not a secret. When you're a citizen of course you have the to vote, and if you path in social security for enough periods of course you got the right to draw it. But if you think that people should be upset at the thought of illegal immigrants on day having rights in this country like every other citizen then you might have other problems, because your hoping people connect some very racist dots.

-You didn't even know about basic voting rights, yet you want to preach about common sense regarding a issue as nuanced as this :smh: You don't see how that kinda makes you look foolish brah

I'm a legal immigrant from the Carribbean. It took my faimly years and thousands of dollars to get me and my sister green cards. I still member flying to Barbados twice for interviews only to turned down on technicalities. Technicalties out laywers assured us won't be issues.

And not for one second so I blame anyone how not into this other illegal, I didn't then, and I don't now. Not people that overstay holiday visas, not people that illegally crossed the border, not people who came on raft and boats in the middle of the night. Their actions didn't screw me and my family over multiple times, the US government bureaucracy did.
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The process is horrible for legal immigrants not because of illegals. It is because of politicians and bureaucrats

They keep changing laws, under funding departments, causing backlogs, adjusting the number of visas available a year. "Jose" :smile:rolleyes real cute btw) is not causing any of this.

The problem is that because a large majority of Americans and Congress don't want to actually tackle illegal immigration in a sensible way, they resort to things like like budget cuts.

Same thing they are doing with the IRS over Obamacare.

-And BTW, Africans migrate to Europe in droves too.

I dunno when being born in abject poverty, surrounded by violence, but having to the option leave your homeland and family behind to make a dangerous trip to cross into a foreign country is consider a "luxury"

You think illegals walking over the boarder in droves is not affecting the bureaucracy , laws, funding, ect.? Adjusting the number of visas per year is directly a result of the illegal issue. What are you talking about? "Jose", or if you want to be more PC, mexicans and some latin americans are directly responsible for the causes you listed.

The whole issue is people not wanting to tackle the issue in a sensible way? What? You mean what makes sense for you and yours? You not even making sense. Do you have a point other than mexicans should be given preferential treatment over every other immigrant?

As I said, poverty and violence are not exclusive to Mexico and yes it is a LUXURY to just be able to walk over and reap all the benefits. Folks in Africa have it way worse than anyone in Mexico. Period. I don't even know why you would try to bring up the poverty and violence and mexico as if that makes them exempt from US LAW. :smh:
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