am i loser for going to disneyland by myself?

Didn't even know op was talking about tokyo Disneyland. Tbh didn't even know they had one. Op should pick up a nice young Japanese girl and go ride a few rides and walk the park take pictures ect. Then go to the hotel and give shorty a ride and enjoy the culture
Making this thread is worse than that.

So go enjoy yourself.

Came in here to post this. You're more of a loser for making this thread and asking about it. If that's what you want/have to do, and it's not harming anyone else, who cares what anyone thinks.
I'd go in the morning on a weekday to avoid the crowd if that's possible. When I went, I was dolo while my aunt and uncle were taking care of their daycare kids. Met a few girls and chilled with them until they left and had breakfast with them the next day. It helped that I was 15 and there were a **** load of teenagers. On second thought.....maybe not a good idea. Maybe bring a home girl at least.
I don't know why a grown man would want to go to Disneyland alone. I could see Six Flags, but Disneyland naw. Op sounds like Ray Kelly.
Bruh nobody cares that you're going dolo but you. It's all in your head bruh. Literally no-one there will remember that you were by yourself.
Just go. Disneyland is a dope theme park.

Take pictures and enjoy the rides.
Take pictures of Princesses and Castles and Mickey Mouse?
Why not? Taking pictures of the ride and attractions isn't abnormal. Also there are many more characters out there than just the Disney princesses and Mickey Mouse. I went to a college that was 15 minutes from the Disneyland and all types of people from my college (although I would say 70% women) got a season pass to go to Disneyland.

It's going to be his first time going to a popular theme park, might as well just explore and enjoy the park.

Anyway, I don't get why OP has to ask NT for approval of this tbh. Thousands of travelers go solo to Disneylands around the world a year and blog about it. To be scared of a couple men judging you for going to a theme park is quite hilarious.
I was curious so I googled "going to Disneyworld alone" and apparently a lot of people do this.
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It would be boring imo. But if you enjoy doing things alone then this shouldn't be a big deal.
Nothing wrong with going anywhere by yourself...

Hell im going on a vacation by myself next month...

Don't have to deal with other people time, worrying about money, and free to move how you want...
thanks for the input yall. most of yall are right, its just all in my head.
im gonna go and enjoy the dope view and enjoy the food + rides.

will take pictures for yall when I go. :pimp:
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