Am I hater? Vol. I can't stand yuppies! Definition Include

Jan 20, 2002
no you're not better than everyone else just because you make money or flaunt like you make a lot. wait your #!* in line and stop complaining and arguinglike you're too good to be grocery shopping

i swear there are more and more yuppies moving into my neighborhood. don't get me wrong, a lot of them are cool, but there are also a lot that are pain inthe butt and they have this arrogance to them.

yea, i need a blog

yuppie = "young urban professional"
I swear to God i came in here to ask the same question everyone elsedid...

a yuppie is a young up and comin professional. basically dudes in polos and khakis with loafers no socks named chip or clark or montgomery.
i really dont care about their clothes and how much they make. hey, if someone is willing to pay you that much, you must be doing something right. myanger
is more so with their snobby attitude. maybe i noticed this moresince the are more and more moving in.

quit complaining about your coffee being too hot.
i dont care if you're on you're blackberry, you still got to wipe up your own gym equipment after using it!
to answer your question you are a hater, dont mind them just get your guap up and then u to probably wont have to wait in line or get your own food. just my 2cents
Originally Posted by randomhero1985

They tend to frequent Starbucks a lot.

yes they do
and complain about the wi-fi for being too slow. come onman, what you expect? just cause you got your cup of coffee you expect fast dsl also?

and i guess i am a hater
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