am i going to hell?

Originally Posted by killa couch

Originally Posted by dreClark

Originally Posted by selfmadepimp

lol you guys are impossible to please. now if i wouldnt have posted pics all sorts of ducktales would have been called.
so you're lookin for some e-fame huh.
I came into this thread to say "you couldn't tell if it was a he or a she?" and then I clicked on it and couldnt tell either.

BrendanMaguire: you must have loved that post if you posted it 9 times.
Originally Posted by Glory Glory Hallelujah

Damn. Not too many folks can say they met a black ****** with down syndrome. Maybe good luck is coming your way or something.

.. damn my man brendan posted an octuplet
I don't know how people laugh at people with Downs Syndrome. Maybe it's because I grew up with a sister that had DS, but I don't see anything tolaugh at, at all...

There's obviously a reason that you need to laugh about someone that's not like you... I hope it makes you feel better about yourself.
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