Am I crazy or is Lamar Odom extremely talented?

You guys are naming all these great players that obviously have great years annually, but only a few of them (Kobe, Lebron, Durant) have Odom's raw talent.He's one of the most talented players in the history of the NBA to never fully figure it out. He should be a top 5 player and a HOF, but it just neverclicks in his head.
Originally Posted by MrMundayNite


Originally Posted by MrMundayNite

In no particular order:

Joe Johnson

All players, imo, who are equally or more talented than as Odom imo. So he's by no means, "easily" a top 5 talent
The same can be said for a lot of players. But the fact will remain that they never lived up to their full potential.

With that said, he's still an amazing player who has found his role on a championship team.

Also his defense has been very underrated this year.
Odom's prime was basically being a really really poor man's version of KG, minus the defensive abilities and consistent jumpshot.
Originally Posted by xBraveHeartX

Originally Posted by MrMundayNite



We're going by "Talent" alone here, not production. McGrady is, and always has been, one of the most talented players in the league. Same goesfor Vince. They are both players who, if they had the right mindset, would be on another level (just like Odom).
Yes Odom is THAT talented.

His lack of drive and work ethic is what stops him from being great.

You can apply that to everything in life, not just professional sports. In order to be successful in anything your self-confidence and drive have to be greateror equal to your talent and intellect. Just ask George Bush & Sean Combs.

You have to remember that the game came easy to him when he was younger. He never had to try nor was he ever forced to be a better player. Going to like 6different schools in 5 years of highschool didn't help the cause either. His skill set in highschool and earlier in their respective careers was betterthan Kobe's and arguably Lebron's (minus the athleticism and explosiveness). Those two are just more self-motivated and put in the work necessary inorder to be great.

You can argue that if he had both of their drives he would be the best player in the league. Off pure talent alone, with his size he is the only player sinceMagic than can legitimately play all 5 positions effectively.

Life gives you lemons, you make lemonade...

Lamar chose to eat lemonheads.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

If Odom played exactly the same and the Lakers lost would you have made this thread?
Being that it has nothing to do with the championship...yes I would have
Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

he is the most talented player on the Lakers...but he doesnt show up every game


So he can handle the ball, shoot and play defense better than Kobe now?
LO is one of the most skilled players in the NBA I've ever seen. Problem is/was that he is not consistent and lacked the drive to go to that next level.You watch him play, you have to think to yourself this guy can do everything on the floor. Good athlete, decent jump shot, adequate post game, verygood handles, great rebounder, very good passer and a solid defender. If he had focused more early on in his career till now, he'd probably be where KevinGarnett or LeBron James are right now.

Still had a good career when it's all said and done, but he could have accomplished so much more.
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

he is the most talented player on the Lakers...but he doesnt show up every game


So he can handle the ball, shoot and play defense better than Kobe now?

I dont agree with the most talented player on the team, but shooting is more a skill than a natural ability.
now that's definitely a stretch but my point was you can't base a top 50 list on talent.

I agree but why make a thread about it then? people get talent/potential confused withactual production

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

he is the most talented player on the Lakers...but he doesnt show up every game


So he can handle the ball, shoot and play defense better than Kobe now?

I dont agree with the most talented player on the team, but shooting is more a skill than a natural ability.

I agree with westcoast somewhat.

Lamar has more natural ability than Kobe, thus he is "arguably" more talented. But Kobe UTILIZES his skillsand talent more efficiently than anybody in the league, which is why Kobe is the BEST player on his team and in the league.
A lot of Odom's success in defending and his unique offensive game can be attributed to his 30 ft wing span and that he is a southpaw as much as his Godgiven talent.
Originally Posted by Executive76

now that's definitely a stretch but my point was you can't base a top 50 list on talent.

I agree but why make a thread about it then? people get talent/potential confused with actual production

Where here? I made it here cuz I knew alot of people on here can make that distinction. I didn't make it over on the other one
Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Odom's success in defending and his unique offensive game can be attributed to his 30 ft wing span and that he is a southpaw as much as his God given talent.

Great point
Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Originally Posted by SupraTurbo619

Originally Posted by westcoastsfinest

he is the most talented player on the Lakers...but he doesnt show up every game


So he can handle the ball, shoot and play defense better than Kobe now?

I dont agree with the most talented player on the team, but shooting is more a skill than a natural ability.

I agree with westcoast somewhat.

Lamar has more natural ability than Kobe, thus he is "arguably" more talented. But Kobe UTILIZES his skills and talent more efficiently than anybody in the league, which is why Kobe is the BEST player on his team and in the league.

word...kobe works on his game thats why he is the best player on the team...he works his shooting..defense and he does have that killer instinct andagression...for odom everything has the skill and talent to be the best player but he doesnt work on it...odom has the talent to play all 5 positions...he is amismatch for anyone out there...he can make your bigs defend him out of the paint and he can work them off the dribble...his length and height can be too muchfor the smalls...if you can get the rebound and run the break on the other end now thats talent!...his unselfishness is also one of his strengths...if heworked on his defense consistently hed be even dangerous...only if he realized no one on the court can guard him the skys the limit for him
the fact that he is so talented and almost 10 years in the league

but still can't go right to save his life or finish with his right hand

baffles me
He's the only Laker that ever looks like he's having even the slightest bit of fun playing basketball.
But at his many players are honestly better than him.

He is 10 years in already, when is he going to reach this "potential". Lamar will always be the supremely talented guy that shows up every 3rd game.All the talent in the world does not mean squat if you do not use it to the fullest. To respond to the OP I do not think there are 50 more talented guys thanLamar Odom in the league but with said what good does that do?
odom was in a contract season and worked his butt off so hell get paid. He did it last contract season. He'll go back to regular Odom the 09-10 season.
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