Alt-White Rally: Charlottesville, VA

15 years of community college, and dude still doesn't know how to read or properly use sources. He needs to ask for his money back and buy his chain instead
There's the irrelevant point we were waiting for

Editor's note: The headline and URL of this story have been updated. We do not condone violence in any shape or form, and the use of "blow up" in the original headline as a rhetorical device was misguided and insensitive. We apologize for the error.

How does that bolster your point?

vice deleted that initial tweet that linked to their article....try again.

The Daily Caller article was posted an entire two days before the Vice one but nobody cared.

For some reason as soon as a Vice writer posted an opinion piece with the same phrase, not even actually advocating for the act, it became an issue.

But you didn't know that. You saw a screenshot that "proved a point" and ran with it like them the_donald boys.

Social media got yall ****** up out here.
as soon as a Vice writer posted an opinion piece with the same phrase, not even actually advocating for the act, it

clearly you didn't read da op-ed. :lol:

da daily caller piece was warning da act of using identity politics on old American historical monuments and da Vice piece advocated and/or da very least supported for da eventual removal of all american monuments who's story doesn't fit our contemporary moral compass.

context, context, context...
where do you draw da line, mister Eff da flag, national anthem, etc.

My favorite quote from The American President

"America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You've gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say, "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours." You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country cannot just be a flag. The symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Now show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms."​
So facetious is okay, rhetorical isn't.

Got it.

i don't even know why you think i got any hand in shaping da opinions of these writers, see for yourself

Daily Caller exhibit A.

There’s one thing that is very certain in this situation: they are not going to stop with tearing down Confederate monuments. Any American hero who owned slaves or held views that would be considered bigoted today will likely be up for erasure.

vice exhibit B

it seems unthinkable that we will ever see a day when there is a serious push to blow up Rushmore and other monuments like it. But if that moment ever arrives, I suspect I'd be onboard. Demystifying the historical figures of the past, pulling them off the great mountain top back down to Earth where they ****, farted, spit, pissed, ******, raped, murdered, died, and rotted seems like important business for this country.

Do you always answer questions with questions?

why u even ask me anything when you're not ready to accept da answer?

i just told da point..AGAIN, where is da line gonna be drawn.

me idc, Democrats gonna have this ish blown in their face, that Columbus one already got Italians loading up for bare, Deblasio so shook he ain't even gonna release da list till after his mayoral Election :lol:
i don't even know why you think i got any hand in shaping da opinions of these writers, see for yourself

I don't know what this even means

Like I said, facetious is okay. Rhetorical is not. Ain't nobody blowing up Mt Rushmore.

Should have just said "yes exactly".
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