Alright, males and females of NT: What's the dealbreaker for you?

Originally Posted by zichardruniga

-takes fat @%@ dumps
Lol Que? Maybe I don't wanna know.

kids maaaaaay be debatable but for the most part....pass
no goals/ambitions/job
dosent value family
excessive drinker
guys who let people disrespect/walk over them
not into sports
kids maaaaaay be debatable but for the most part....pass
no goals/ambitions/job
dosent value family
excessive drinker
guys who let people disrespect/walk over them
not into sports
How do you guys feel about girls who pay attention to sports? like one of the boys type things. I dated a girl who was a sports fan like my self and I thought it was awesome but after I started to realize shouldn't she be learning how to cook or something. However i dont mind her watching the games, but she shouldn't know stats and stuff.
How do you guys feel about girls who pay attention to sports? like one of the boys type things. I dated a girl who was a sports fan like my self and I thought it was awesome but after I started to realize shouldn't she be learning how to cook or something. However i dont mind her watching the games, but she shouldn't know stats and stuff.
-not caring about staying in shape...

this girl I was talking to has this HIGH metabolism and she eats A LOT without getting fat and she LOVES food and she said if her metabolism ever slowed down when she gets older and gets fat she said she would just have to stay fat because she says there's no way in hell she can live a more active lifestyle to stay in shape and her love for food is just too great.
-not caring about staying in shape...

this girl I was talking to has this HIGH metabolism and she eats A LOT without getting fat and she LOVES food and she said if her metabolism ever slowed down when she gets older and gets fat she said she would just have to stay fat because she says there's no way in hell she can live a more active lifestyle to stay in shape and her love for food is just too great.
my main ones

-overly materialistic
-hates religion
-drinks starbucks constantly
my main ones

-overly materialistic
-hates religion
-drinks starbucks constantly
-substance abuse (weed included)
-uneducated (dont have to have a PhD but atleast finish hs.)

-hot tempered

-substance abuse (weed included)
-uneducated (dont have to have a PhD but atleast finish hs.)

-hot tempered

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