Almost 1yr since my last post... time to get out???

Feb 11, 2003
sup NT. wow, i haven't been on here in a long time, nice to see NT is still going strong.

i was going through some of my old stuff and ran across my collection. lately, i've been debating on whether or not i should just sell off my collection. these days, my kicks just sit in the back of my closet, collecting dust. it's nowhere near what it was in my glory days... i'm down to <10 pairs.

seems like my passion as a sneakerhead has left me and i'm thinking it's time to make a clean break. any opinions?? when is it time to move on?
i still love fresh kicks and i can still spot fakes from a mile away. i don't think those traits will ever leave me, hehe.

my point is, i think i've outgrown the need for a "collection". guess i'm just trying to simplify my life...
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Only you know that. Me, I still copp kicks, it's a passion.


my passion is strong right now .
I've sold most of my stuff.

The only collection shoes I have left are stuff that's OG that they have not / will not retro...which is about 12 pairs.
i was born with that "new sneaker stroll" fresh kicks are a MUST

jus wouldnt look right diddy boppin for no reason

NEVER got into the "collecting" aspect.....

if i dont plan on wearinin them.....then i dont buy them....simple
I see what you're saying. Selling your shoes probably wouldn't be a bad idea...

As for me, I've never really collected shoes per se. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE shoes of every kind, but they don't really have any value for mebeyond their style, performance, and comfort. In other words, I wouldn't collect them for the sake of having a collection.
man collecting kicks is a waste of money .. I have a storage space full of kicks and I hate going to find a pair of sneakers I want to wear .. so lately Ibring home 10 boxes wear them all for about a few months then give them to my brother and move on to my next pairs .. because I have way to many kicks that Ican wear and at one point of another I dont even know why did I cop a few of them.. point being that I could of have used all that money for better things ..
thanks for all the different viewpoints. i agree with the 'money better spent elsewhere' comment the most. time to dust off the boxes and startselling.
It's clearly time for you to step off. If all you got is <10 pairs? There's not much of a passion there. Wouldn't you agree? Just let it gohomie.
If you dont wear them and dont like them then just sell them. What are u debating???
I have sneakers i wear them. They are alll in great shape. The ones i dont wear or dont tickle my fancy anymore get sold. period end of story.
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