All my Cigarette and Tobacco smokers step in...

Been smoking for 20+ years,trying to quite is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted.
smoked for ~4 years, 2-3 packs a week.

vaping got me off tho. cig free for 3 years.
So Ive been smoking heavily for a week straight and now I feel some withdrawal. How long does it last if ive only been smoking for a week? A week long withdrawal max right? Am i even addicted, or is it probably something else thats pissing me off and making me tired lol

im done with cigs regardless
Went to a public park and it said no smoking, yet folks can take their dogs to take sloppy doo doos on the grass.

This anti smoking hype is crazy
Been smoking for 20+ years,trying to quite is one of the hardest things I've ever attempted.
I have been off cigs for 7-8 months now (longest ever), and it is probably my 7 or 8th time quitting for over a month. Someone told me a long time ago that on average it takes something like 8 or 9 times attempting to quit to actually quit. I think there some merit to that and I feel like this time is that final one. Dont quit on quitting.
Went to a public park and it said no smoking, yet folks can take their dogs to take sloppy doo doos on the grass.

This anti smoking hype is crazy

Am I missing an /s??

How can you compare dogs dropping fertilizer in the grass to do ****** walking around smoking cancer sticks? :lol:
Its pretty much standard to pick up after your dog, i dont think most dog owners need a sign for that. But there are definitely the few *******s who dont pick it up, **** em.
I smoked cigs during my enlistment then turned to vaping like 4 years ago and I also had a terrible drinking habit (drank a 5th of hen every weekend). I got out the service in July and I left nicotine and alcohol alone. Just been :smokin tree.
Am I missing an /s??

How can you compare dogs dropping fertilizer in the grass to do *****s walking around smoking cancer sticks? :lol:
Fertilizer? Is that the new word for feces/****.
There’s a consequence for everything in life. People know that cigs are bad. Cool joe camel days are gone. Many burn due to stress and other crazy/stupid things in life
Fertilizer? Is that the new word for feces/****.
There’s a consequence for everything in life. People know that cigs are bad. Cool joe camel days are gone. Many burn due to stress and other crazy/stupid things in life

I never went out of my way to deny any of those things, im well aware of the habits people can form to cope with the struggles of life.

I just failed to see how you could compare dogs ****ting in the grass that someone would at worse **** their shoes up stepping on to someone passing you second-hand smoke without your consent.

The comparison made zero sense to me. You're on a tangent
You sound scary as fuh. Ain’t no damb 2nd hand smoke gon kill u these days. Mf make us smoke 20 ft away from the building.

The constant stigmatizing/labeling u ****ers do is off the hook.
Roll yourself some of that fertilizer and take a fat hit
Started smoking 5 years ago. Was at a party got drunk and tried :smh: . I used to hate the smell. Being abroad cigs were dirt cheap so I started to smoke regularly. At the peak I was at a pack and a half per day.

Once I came back to the states I smoked a lot less due to prices and because I could smoke weed again. Now I try to cut back even more and I just bum off of my friends when I'm drinking. I want to completely stop tho. Not trying to die of cancer or have a ******* hole in my throat.

This dude at my local C-Town had that robotic voice **** he put in the hole in his throat. I probably kept on smoking when I moved away because I wouldn't see him every couple days anymore.
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