All-American (CW Series) - VOL: 100!

If I were a position player on Coastal, I would’ve entered the portal tansfer immediately after the game.

Imagine telling me the only guy we could depend on was a student coach with a bad heart that barely got through touch practices with us.
RIP. Was wondering how they were going to incorporate his absence. Him being in the booth during the championship was creative, Asher doing the halftime speech was odd though
Why are they doing another season after this :lol:

Especially after last night and the previews. Everybody about to be married and Spence in the pros.
Spence winning SuperBowl MVP after the entire league tried to teach him a lesson should’ve gotten every GM immediately terminated.

They didn’t even make him struggle a little, came in and won it all :lol:
that 10 month time jump to Spencer winning Super Bowl MVP as a rookie was crazy, you could tell this was going to be the season finale til they ordered the 2 extra eps last minute
With Spencer gone i dont know how they are going to do the next season. They gonna have to cut it short.
I mean you'd think a lot of them will be based in NYC now with Spencer and Olivia getting married and being there, Patience being there on Broadway, Coop likely moving out there as well as Spencer's "Manager" and being with Patience
Oh wow this season sounds wild:lol:

If they were smart just follow a new young kid trying to be a pro athlete or just tell another pro’s story and stretch it a little. Plenty other sports to cover.
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