AJ "BRED" 13 returning JAN 12, 2013

Last question, if I do the HOH raffle I will know before the ndc release if I won the raffle right? Just tryin to make sure I cop these

Heres what you do. CALL YOUR LOCAL HOH OR ASK WHEN U ENTER INSTORE WHEN WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED. it's better to here from their mouths then a secondary party.
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Style code.  That's the reason why most shoes are always sold out when they post the twitter link because everyone figures out/knows the link before hand and checks out before it even gets tweeted or appears in the search engine.
LOL @ this know-it-all that knows nothing.  Your post is 100%, FALSE.

When NDC does a release that is TLO, there is absolutely NO WAY to access that web page until that twitter link is tweeted.  I have a friend that works for the NIKE social media group and no matter your HTML training or anything else, even if somehow you did by total coincidence figure out the link, it is not live nor available anywhere except through the twitter link.  The web address has product and page ID's that in no way relate to the shoe, product number, model number, SKU, UPC, release date or anything else.  Randomly generated.  And all of that doesn't even matter.  If you did get a link typed out correctly, you cannot access this web page in live format except through the twitter link for some time.  The reason shoes are sold out when you follow the twitter link is because the way that twitter works.  Depending on how the link calls out through the many routes on twitter, you may get the link 20 seconds after the guy next to you, or your text alerts may get it before your computer....all sorts of scenarios.  You have no idea what you are talking about then come on here calling these guys noobs like a little kid.  I think we are good on members here if you wanna roll on over to ISS with all of your smarts.

Sorry to anyone that doesn't like a lot of text, this guy was a jerk in multiple follow up posts after he posted a bunch of BS and I just wanted to include all the information needed to give members an idea of the factual way that TLO releases work.
not that i want to defend the guy but i think hes talking about when the releases arent tlo and as a result the shoes are pretty much sold out once they tweet the link

the red looks sooo faded. Didn't think it'd be this bad.Made me change my mind gonna have to pass

(messed up on img upload so ignore attatchment)
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LOL @ this know-it-all that knows nothing.  Your post is 100%, FALSE.

When NDC does a release that is TLO, there is absolutely NO WAY to access that web page until that twitter link is tweeted.  I have a friend that works for the NIKE social media group and no matter your HTML training or anything else, even if somehow you did by total coincidence figure out the link, it is not live nor available anywhere except through the twitter link.  The web address has product and page ID's that in no way relate to the shoe, product number, model number, SKU, UPC, release date or anything else.  Randomly generated.  And all of that doesn't even matter.  If you did get a link typed out correctly, you cannot access this web page in live format except through the twitter link for some time.  The reason shoes are sold out when you follow the twitter link is because the way that twitter works.  Depending on how the link calls out through the many routes on twitter, you may get the link 20 seconds after the guy next to you, or your text alerts may get it before your computer....all sorts of scenarios.  You have no idea what you are talking about then come on here calling these guys noobs like a little kid.  I think we are good on members here if you wanna roll on over to ISS with all of your smarts.

Sorry to anyone that doesn't like a lot of text, this guy was a jerk in multiple follow up posts after he posted a bunch of BS and I just wanted to include all the information needed to give members an idea of the factual way that TLO releases work.
Showed up son! lol
not that i want to defend the guy but i think hes talking about when the releases aren't tlo and as a result the shoes are pretty much sold out once they tweet the link
I know what you're seeing, but the post I quoted and spoke about was him saying this method is used and that's why TLO links are sold out.  LOL no one waits for the twitter link when it is not a TLO release, and either way, he still cannot get the actual URL like you can on some other sites.  None of that is directed at you, just explaining why I spoke about the twitter link comment he made.
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not to get into too much of a technical debate, but i would think having the actually link beforehand would still give you an advantage. i highly doubt the page is doing a "HTTP_REFERER" check and only accepting traffic from twitter.com, i don't think that would work for many reasons. so best case, the page would only be accessible a split second before the twitter link is sent out. and then, like you said, there can be delays to exactly when you see it on your twitter feed. so if you had the actual link you could be constantly refreshing the page and probably have access to it before most people. and that is best case, normally i would assume the page goes live a few seconds before, so some employee can verify it is available, and then the twitter link is sent out.
pretty interesting though. i will say i have written some scripts pinging urls to try and guess what id is used for a link. might have to get back to trying that again...
There is no live link and there is absolutely no way to get this link beforehand.  It is not like other sites where the numbers can be determined through information at hand.  The numbers and ID's used for HTML coding are created completely at random.  The next section of your comment is possible but not on NDC in any way.  It is used on other sites and only takes a caveman to figure things out, but NDC is not one of those pages.  I didn't mean the "HTTP_REFERER" was used, once the link is tweeted people will post it here and it will be accessible.  But there is not a person that makes it live even for a few seconds to verify any part of it before tweeting.  NDC does not do this anytime near the actual release date/time, and add to cart is not a working function when it is done and that has been made distinctly clear to me by the person doing that step on some of the releases.  Hitting send on that tweet with the link is what makes NDC new releases that are TLO go live. 

You were correct on a lot of information, it just does not apply to nikestore.com 
LOL sounds good....anything to contribute or you just monitoring? :lol:

i've contributed for 10 years :lol:

in other news, i am really eager to see the availability of these...... Twitter link only on NDC and I heard rumors months ago about them being a limited GR (whatever that means :rofl:)
The bred 11 wasnt TLO. But I couldnt find it...anybody find it before the twitter link went live? I'm hoping to have some luck with this one. Good luck to all
The bred 11 wasnt TLO. But I couldnt find it...anybody find it before the twitter link went live? I'm hoping to have some luck with this one. Good luck to all
Yes, but this release is TLO so it won't apply here.  Posters earlier said NDC tweeted TLO tonight, so you will need to go through the twitter link or click when someone posts in here, which could be too late.  That is if you are just trying NDC.
i've contributed for 10 years

LOL looks to be a pretty inactive 10 years
275? People sellin the, for 240 preorder. I don't think resellers gonna do that good on this one. People sleeping on this cuz no 3m.
275? People sellin the, for 240 preorder. I don't think resellers gonna do that good on this one. People sleeping on this cuz no 3m.

When they sell out on release day they will be up to $275 easy. This will be gone in minutes.
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True. Just find a reseller in your area in case u miss out I always find resellers prior to drop date and play their prices against each other. Than if I cop online I just flake on them
True. Just find a reseller in your area in case u miss out I always find resellers prior to drop date and play their prices against each other. Than if I cop online I just flake on them

A lot of sites that have pre-order now are already high in cost prior to the release and almost sold out.
That's crazy. If u got money to blow then do ur thing. I can't spend 280 on kicks. Thats
Ike 4 days of work for me.
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