AJ "BRED" 13 returning JAN 12, 2013

Should I buy a sz 13 and try to resell?
No offense, I know, I know hate the game not the player but damn how you sounding.

I never understood small time resellers. Volume movers I can get but ninjas making just a few bucks from onesies and twosies shoes, smh.
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lol! brace yourselves!

For some reason these dont lok that great in pics. But the pair I copped look damn good. Cmparin these to the 04 or OG is like comparing kobe to jordan lol.
OMGGGGGG funny story. I had 5 tabs up on my computer at work. AS SOON AS IT REFRESHES TO ORDER SCREEN these asians come in. (im a banker so i deal with their ******** questions all day about nickle and diming the banks) So as I have them at my desk my heart is punding because i know every second I talk to these idiots is a pair of size 13 im missing. In my mind i said fuk it and took my wallet out in front of them and continued to checkout while they were there.


thx FNL for being ****** and working at 12pm
You're a banker?
    Well I work for FNL

holy crap that tat is awful. shame cuz shes cute too. but im with ya on this. i used to just buy something else if i missed on rd but then id end up just coppin the shoes for resell or on restock so i just wait now until im sure i cant get my hands on a pr for a price i find reasonable.
Common guys if I could cop a pair of 04's in legitimate NDS or DS condition I would rather cop those. The ones I have now are beat to hell, but I don't have the extra hundred to hundred and fifty dollars for them. So I went for these. I just hope mine come in from FNL without glue everywhere. *Fingers crossed* >D
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