Air Jordan xxxiv first info

I think a lot of the reason current players don’t have an off the shelf colorway is mostly because almost no current NBA players will make people want to buy a pair of shoes. Besides Lebron, how many fans are dying to have a pair of most these players shoes? MJ was a household name, just the name recognition and association would make non-NBA watchers still gravitate toward his shoes because they know he’s the s*** lol. Not too many household names in the NBA today...
Maybe. Maybe not. But the point JRepp23 JRepp23 and a few others are making is, what's the point of paying players to wear shoes no one can actually buy? When I have already this season seen players wearing, say, the 34 Bulls colorway, it just reinforces to me how dope that shoe is. Seeing Tatum et al wear some wacky colorways with wacky details that aren't anywhere close to what any of us can buy is stupid. And to your point, no one in the NBA who has worn these is so ******* awesome that a lot of people are dying to wear just ANY old version of the shoe that those players are, even if the retail pairs look nothing like their's do. Also to your point ... and it was a different time ... but if anything, Nike could have put MJ in loads of PEs and just released what it released and because it was MJ, they would have still sold. Because we just wanted whatever model he wore. Because he WAS that guy, as you said. But now promoting Air Jordan flagship models all these year's after Mike retired by having players that aren't THAT guy wear stupid PEs no one will ever be able to buy is just ... stupid. I'm more than fine with it when it's just for a few games here and there, but when they basically never wear the retail colorways in games? Dopey.
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I think a lot of the reason current players don’t have an off the shelf colorway is mostly because almost no current NBA players will make people want to buy a pair of shoes. Besides Lebron, how many fans are dying to have a pair of most these players shoes? MJ was a household name, just the name recognition and association would make non-NBA watchers still gravitate toward his shoes because they know he’s the s*** lol. Not too many household names in the NBA today...

yeah now a days i simply don't care about who's wearing what


These are CLEAN
For the PE thing, think like a marketer. What happens when you see PEs? You want them. You look around for them, search store websites, google, check nike's upcoming releases calendar. You don't find anything, a week or two goes by, you do it all again. You constantly stay in a state of wanting the shoes, searching websites and seeing shoes available for purchase, and looking at upcoming models you can purchase. When you see some other shoes you half like, you might pick those up. Doesn't that sound like a dream for a businessperson? To have customers constantly in a state of want, looking through your inventory?

Anyway, my current question is, why are the upcoming 34 colorways (Eclipse, Snow Leopard), not on SNKRS release list, NDC's release list, nothing. The "breds" were like that too. What's the deal with that? They're obviously coming out. Why aren't they being shown?
For the PE thing, think like a marketer. What happens when you see PEs? You want them. You look around for them, search store websites, google, check nike's upcoming releases calendar. You don't find anything, a week or two goes by, you do it all again. You constantly stay in a state of wanting the shoes, searching websites and seeing shoes available for purchase, and looking at upcoming models you can purchase. When you see some other shoes you half like, you might pick those up. Doesn't that sound like a dream for a businessperson? To have customers constantly in a state of want, looking through your inventory?

Anyway, my current question is, why are the upcoming 34 colorways (Eclipse, Snow Leopard), not on SNKRS release list, NDC's release list, nothing. The "breds" were like that too. What's the deal with that? They're obviously coming out. Why aren't they being shown?
Yeah, true, except anyone who cares to pay close enough attention to the colorways these players wear is going to realize real quick that none of those colorways ever come out. When I see someone wearing the latest dope-*** pair of Kobe IVs, I don't go searching for anything because I know they aren't releasing. There is definitely some solid reasoning behind giving players the PEs, but like I said, I think it's gone too far in that direction now when basically the players NEVER wear a pair that is available to the public. Or if they do, it's super few and far between. That's my only thing.
For the PE thing, think like a marketer. What happens when you see PEs? You want them. You look around for them, search store websites, google, check nike's upcoming releases calendar. You don't find anything, a week or two goes by, you do it all again. You constantly stay in a state of wanting the shoes, searching websites and seeing shoes available for purchase, and looking at upcoming models you can purchase. When you see some other shoes you half like, you might pick those up. Doesn't that sound like a dream for a businessperson? To have customers constantly in a state of want, looking through your inventory?

Anyway, my current question is, why are the upcoming 34 colorways (Eclipse, Snow Leopard), not on SNKRS release list, NDC's release list, nothing. The "breds" were like that too. What's the deal with that? They're obviously coming out. Why aren't they being shown?
Idk what the deal is with them not advertising the new releases on SNKRS or NDC. They did the same thing with the 33s.. the first couple pairs were on SNKRS, then they stopped. And then when the SE 33s came around there was literally no promotion of them at all basically. It’s like they literally just don’t bother to do it.
I think a lot of the reason current players don’t have an off the shelf colorway is mostly because almost no current NBA players will make people want to buy a pair of shoes. Besides Lebron, how many fans are dying to have a pair of most these players shoes? MJ was a household name, just the name recognition and association would make non-NBA watchers still gravitate toward his shoes because they know he’s the s*** lol. Not too many household names in the NBA today...
Zion was supposed to be that guy. What he was doing was exactly the kind of thing that captures kid's imaginations and attention. That's who they wouldve looked at and whos shoes they wouldve anticipated. Its all about tenacity and wild dunks. Over time his highlight reels and play style wouldve eclipsed Lebron's selling power. Now its all in jeopardy depending on whether or not they can fix his gait. And if they do will it affect his leaping ability and explosiveness. Did he have some weird rookie of the year movie anomaly in his build that is the source of his powers or is it a hindrance this whole time and he's about to have a 60 inch vert.

These would be perfect :nthat::nthat::emoji_ok_hand:
I dont know man. Im sure your into more red which is cool but the heel would be too much for me. I really would like to see a BC4 type colorway come from these. Or even a stealth maybe. With just a little amount of red, but enough to know what they are doing there. Far fetched probably.

and even if the heel on those pictured was black, theyd be slightly better but bred xi color blocking is still way over used.

there’s more than one way to make dope bred colorway.

the stealth colorway if executed correctly on this model, could really be a thing of beauty.

paging jayzrdead jayzrdead lol
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saw these ("breds") in person today for the 1st time at hoh. tried them on and DAMN these are ???. definitely copping a pair for sure. these are what the fof 33 wanted to look like. pretty sure it'll be my only pair. definitely worried about keeping the white mesh clean over time tho. plus I'm tryna hold out for 130
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