Eastbay, FootLocker, Champs, and FootAction are all the same company...Same distribution channels, same product allotment. Technically, Eastbay is the distrubutor to FTL, Champs, and FA, which are the retailers...insignificant details
FinishLine is a totally different entity with no relationship with Footlocker (and co.).
Truth be told, I heard a rumor a LOOONNGGG time ago (from 23penny, as a matter of fact...not to say he's reliable, but I think he heard right on this one) that the person that makes distribution/allotment decisions for Nike prefers the people at Finishline over the people at Footlocker. While Nike has contractual obligations with FootLocker, which forces their hand on many occasions (House of Hoops being the obvious example), whenever there is a situaion that falls outside of those perameters, Finishline seems to get the edge
Royal I is one example.
The numerous Finishline restocks during the holiday season in '12 and early '13 is another example.