Air Jordan 5 2013 "Elephant print" 23rd anniversary

The competition is tough. Got my bachelor's in 2008 and could never get in my field.
I work in education, and honestly, I would support any of my students in searching out a trade vs. going the traditional college route. My boy has a Ph.D. and works at Borders. He was laid off in the process of getting his doctorate from CSU and never bounced back. He stopped writing and publishing articles. He tried administration for the school districts, but they required him to start teaching again in order to apply for an admin position.

It's rough.
college degrees in accounting, engineering, medicine, science, computer science are all in theory "trade schools" that will provide a career for someone since you are learning a skill for a specific job

the problem with college is people assuming a degree in liberal arts/education/ any other bogus program will always be in demand when the funding is not profit driven but based on streamlined/political budgets

who is going to employ someone with a PHD in education...the government, not private sector. Who funds the government? You either work for yourself, private or public. I certainly would never choose a career path that for the most part, depends on the government but that is just me. 
Quite surprised I didn't get flamed severely for my post regarding a 21% return being good. Had a similar post in a discussion regarding resale profit and was told anyone who sells shoes for around a 20% return is stupid. Was told to get a real job if I did that. Seriously could not get the person to understand that s 20% profit is actually very good when it comes to selling an item. It would seem you folks in this thread have a much better understanding of business. Its a breath of fresh air when I can speak to folks to use their brains and can grasp business concepts. Much appreciated.

20% is not bad per se, however, you would have to be able to move inventory in quantities to really enjoy the 20% in the context of the business world. If you are selling one pair of shoe per week at 20%......I guess profit is profit.......nothing to glee over thou
Just got my ftldc pair in today. Had everything. Quality on these are superb. No sign of yellowing. I know that was a concern
20% is not bad per se, however, you would have to be able to move inventory in quantities to really enjoy the 20% in the context of the business world. If you are selling one pair of shoe per week at 20%......I guess profit is profit.......nothing to glee over thou
Dudes acting like they gettting retirement money for flipping a pair of shoes once a month, where most of us on here would pay that extra 20% just to secure a pair to keep. Now if you re-selling a whole stores inventory every release then you might  be on to something. But we talking around $45 for this release maybe 32 for general releases. By the time you get your money back from ebay/paypal is it really worth it for only 1 pair. 
A college education is so necessary.
initially i said something dickish took u a college degree + grad degree to figure that out. i meant to say that my comment was unnecessary. but yeah if ur going to private school or out of state to study liberal arts, it is unnecessary and can actually ruin your life
What you do for a living?
Im a correction officer. My base pay plus my guaranteed overtime puts me at about 80,000 a year. Civil service is where its at. Pension, health benefits, 20 year retirement etc. private industry is for the birds.
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Not really. Depends on what u wanna do. I make around 80,000 a year and i have a high school diploma. I havent reached top pay yet neither so to each his own
I am not knocking you at all or your salary, but $80K is not enough for me.  I was making more than that before I finished college, plus I think working in my field is less stressful and deal with less criminals.
I am not knocking you at all or your salary, but $80K is not enough for me.  I was making more than that before I finished college, plus I think working in my field is less stressful and deal with less criminals.
I feel you. Im just saying im fortunate to be making a decent wage with only a HS diploma. I know people with masters degrees working at starbucks smh
Any word yet on the next "lab" release? I like these a lot and I want to see what's next from this series. It was refreshing to get something different from jb this year.
20% is not bad per se, however, you would have to be able to move inventory in quantities to really enjoy the 20% in the context of the business world. If you are selling one pair of shoe per week at 20%......I guess profit is profit.......nothing to glee over thou

Definitely, that goes without saying. But say someone is just picking up an extra pair or two here or there with no extra effort, the 20% isn't bad for hardly any work. Sure, it's not enough to live off of, but why turn down a decent profit for hardly any work? I see it as free money, doesn't have to be thousands upon thousands, I'm not greedy.

Dudes acting like they gettting retirement money for flipping a pair of shoes once a month, where most of us on here would pay that extra 20% just to secure a pair to keep. Now if you re-selling a whole stores inventory every release then you might  be on to something. But we talking around $45 for this release maybe 32 for general releases. By the time you get your money back from ebay/paypal is it really worth it for only 1 pair. 

Sigh... Always gotta be one in every bunch. Your comment regarding PayPal/eBay is irrelevant as it was already established around a 20% ROI. So yes, any time a ROI of 20% can be obtained, it's worth it. People invest much larger sums of money for way longer amounts of time and get less than a 20% ROI. I really cannot understand why its so hard to grasp for some people.
20% is not bad per se, however, you would have to be able to move inventory in quantities to really enjoy the 20% in the context of the business world. If you are selling one pair of shoe per week at 20%......I guess profit is profit.......nothing to glee over thou

Dudes acting like they gettting retirement money for flipping a pair of shoes once a month, where most of us on here would pay that extra 20% just to secure a pair to keep. Now if you re-selling a whole stores inventory every release then you might  be on to something. But we talking around $45 for this release maybe 32 for general releases. By the time you get your money back from ebay/paypal is it really worth it for only 1 pair. 
It ain't retirement money, but $45 is something significant. I made $103.25 from flipping Bel Air V's. Is that a bad move?
Definitely, that goes without saying. But say someone is just picking up an extra pair or two here or there with no extra effort, the 20% isn't bad for hardly any work. Sure, it's not enough to live off of, but why turn down a decent profit for hardly any work? I see it as free money, doesn't have to be thousands upon thousands, I'm not greedy.
You're only viewing that ROI in a vacuum. What happens when a shoe sells out and you have no choice but to buy at reseller prices? There goes your profit margin and part of the reason why there is less stock to go around is because somebody else wants an easy 20% ROI. 

In the short term it's great that you padded your pockets, but in the long term it doesn't help the sneaker culture. 
What you do for a living?
Im a correction officer. My base pay plus my guaranteed overtime puts me at about 80,000 a year. Civil service is where its at. Pension, health benefits, 20 year retirement etc. private industry is for the birds.
Consider yourself lucky. However, a college grad, with the right moves and career, can blow your earnings out of the water.

The other problem is some people may not find it fulfilling to be a corrections officer.
Consider yourself lucky. However, a college grad, with the right moves and career, can blow your earnings out of the water.

The other problem is some people may not find it fulfilling to be a corrections officer.
don't knock the mans hustle. No doubt a college grad can blow him out the water. You think he aint know that. He's happy doing what he do out of high school and make decent bread.
You're only viewing that ROI in a vacuum. What happens when a shoe sells out and you have no choice but to buy at reseller prices? There goes your profit margin and part of the reason why there is less stock to go around is because somebody else wants an easy 20% ROI. 

In the short term it's great that you padded your pockets, but in the long term it doesn't help the sneaker culture. 

When does one have "no choice but to buy at reseller prices"? You always have a choice in life whether to buy or not to buy. Doesn't help the long term sneaker culture? And I would care because? I'm not taking the politically correct popular route when I say this - I don't concern myself with the entire sneaker culture. I help friends and people who help me and that's it. Unlike many who turn this into more than just shoes, I don't. I can pass on a release without thinking twice without going bonkers because of hype and paying 2-3x the original price. The people that cannot fuel the reseller market and along with it, mine and others pockets. You always have a choice to buy the shoes or not, no one forces you to. But for many, they feel as though they have no choice because all their friends have them and tell them they are must haves.

So, at the end of the day, getting the shoes I want, and making $ doing nothing is within my short and long term interest. And since I have self control and don't pay insane amounts because "I have to", the aftermarket prices don't affect me.
Consider yourself lucky. However, a college grad, with the right moves and career, can blow your earnings out of the water.

The other problem is some people may not find it fulfilling to be a corrections officer.

Gotta love how its always people in this world to knock the wind out of someone's sails. Someone can be cruising along enjoying life and you can always count on someone to come along and chop them down. Is the fact the man is happy and well off enough for himself not enough? Why does it matter to people who don't know him that others can do better than him?

Everyone in life has someone that they will never be able to compare to financially. Should one be sad and look down on themselves because they aren't at the top? What is so wrong with being grateful for what you have and not concerning yourself with what others have? But I forgot, its more fun to belittle and tear others down than to leave them be.
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