Air Jordan 13 Retro Ray Allen PE (boston home)

I was considering going up after work around 5, but if people are trying to camp for 4 or 5 days wont waste my time or money, will just hope they manage to get them in harlem i guess.
jb really need to delay the release and make more of these. seriously, this is getting messy.
this store here in miami is doing a raffle for them. rumor has it that they're getting 40 purrrs.
nice shoe. but to camp out for a week??? i actually like campouts, too. doing it overnight is the longest i think i could stand it. i don't think i could last even one day. at least if it's 2561 for two locations, your chances are pretty good. for those of camping, post pix and best of luck to you. you deserve 5 pairs if you last that long AND succeed.
There are some real losers out there lol, theyre not sneakerheads...just losers lol. No sneaker in the world holds that much weight lol. There's no way people camping this long can even have jobs or a life for that matter lol. I really hope these people keep their camping stories to themselves. Imagine the look on people faces when they tell someone they actually wasted days of their life camping out for a shoe
 or even worse..brag to a hard working 40+hr/wk sneakerhead that was looking forward to a nice Saturday launch date, but couldn't cop because some no job no life having hype beast decided to stake his claim at the beginning of our work week 
. There should be a 'No Camping Allowed' policy at all shoe stores to prevent things like this from happening. Theres no way employed sneakerheads should get beat to the punch by people who get rewarded for having nothing else better to do than to camp for 5 days. What happened to living life normally and just picking up the shoes on release day? If it sounds like I'm a little bitter and's cause I probably am SO WHAT lol

i do think multiple days is rediculous...even 8 hours is rough just standing around...but to each his own
Originally Posted by KidCloudKicker

There are some real losers out there lol, theyre not sneakerheads...just losers lol. No sneaker in the world holds that much weight lol. There's no way people camping this long can even have jobs or a life for that matter lol. I really hope these people keep their camping stories to themselves. Imagine the look on people faces when they tell someone they actually wasted days of their life camping out for a shoe
 or even worse..brag to a hard working 40+hr/wk sneakerhead that was looking forward to a nice Saturday launch date, but couldn't cop because some no job no life having hype beast decided to stake his claim at the beginning of our work week 
. There should be a 'No Camping Allowed' policy at all shoe stores to prevent things like this from happening. Theres no way employed sneakerheads should get beat to the punch by people who get rewarded for having nothing else better to do than to camp for 5 days. What happened to living life normally and just picking up the shoes on release day? If it sounds like I'm a little bitter and's cause I probably am SO WHAT lol
Originally Posted by I MRDR PEEPS 4 FUN

Originally Posted by KidCloudKicker

There are some real losers out there lol, theyre not sneakerheads...just losers lol. No sneaker in the world holds that much weight lol. There's no way people camping this long can even have jobs or a life for that matter lol. I really hope these people keep their camping stories to themselves. Imagine the look on people faces when they tell someone they actually wasted days of their life camping out for a shoe
 or even worse..brag to a hard working 40+hr/wk sneakerhead that was looking forward to a nice Saturday launch date, but couldn't cop because some no job no life having hype beast decided to stake his claim at the beginning of our work week 
. There should be a 'No Camping Allowed' policy at all shoe stores to prevent things like this from happening. Theres no way employed sneakerheads should get beat to the punch by people who get rewarded for having nothing else better to do than to camp for 5 days. What happened to living life normally and just picking up the shoes on release day? If it sounds like I'm a little bitter and's cause I probably am SO WHAT lol

  I agree campers like this are wack! I'm gonna laugh my %%% off if these fools start camping then HOH decides to do a raffle because its out of control. Better yet, let them fly and camp for their pairs then do a widespread release the next week.
 But really, there will probably be another release to the rest of the HOH's a week or two later. They never said all 2561 pairs were going to be released on the July 16th they just said thats how many were made. 
Originally Posted by KidCloudKicker

There should be a 'No Camping Allowed' policy at all shoe stores to prevent things like this from happening.
this right here.  i agree.  this whole camping thing has ruined everything.  not everyone can camp for days...or who even wants to for that matter.  not only that, but people set up empty chairs and there are always people who cut line.  it is a joke.  i would just love it if people camped for like 5 days and then the house of hoops decided to start taking people from the back of the line first.  that would teach those people who start camping early a lesson.  i would do that if i owned or managed a store.  i would get rid of camping all together.  not only that, but people leave their trash all over like a bunch of slobs.
Originally Posted by lionheart44

If they decide to do a raffle, how does that work, does anyone know?
Pretty much like grocery store deli except there's no specific order. Just pulling numbers from a box and calling them. If you have the match, you get a shot at your size.
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by lionheart44

If they decide to do a raffle, how does that work, does anyone know?
Pretty much like grocery store deli except there's no specific order. Just pulling numbers from a box and calling them. If you have the match, you get a shot at your size.
I understand, but when do they start handing out raffle tickets?  like i could walk up at store opening and get a ticket or do they run out of tickets based on how many pairs they have instore?  what i am getting at is, as long as you get there the day of (early obviously), you have the same shot as a 5 day camper?
Originally Posted by lionheart44

Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

Originally Posted by lionheart44

If they decide to do a raffle, how does that work, does anyone know?
Pretty much like grocery store deli except there's no specific order. Just pulling numbers from a box and calling them. If you have the match, you get a shot at your size.
I understand, but when do they start handing out raffle tickets?  like i could walk up at store opening and get a ticket or do they run out of tickets based on how many pairs they have instore?  what i am getting at is, as long as you get there the day of (early obviously), you have the same shot as a 5 day camper?

Depends on the store my dude. They run it however they please.
These are nice and I would love to get them, but they are definitely not worth camping out for over a couple hours.

Yea they are exclusive, limited, special edition, etc. but they are very basic and plain. I can think of a lot more jordans that are worth a couple hour camp out
I met a really cool cat at tmobile the other day. Serious sneakerhead. He's gonna take a ride up to Boston and try his luck at solefly. Brotha just wants a pair for himself.

I hope that everyone trying to get themselves a pair has good luck!

Resellers can eat a fat one.
Originally Posted by aphexacid

I met a really cool cat at tmobile the other day. Serious sneakerhead. He's gonna take a ride up to Boston and try his luck at solefly. Brotha just wants a pair for himself.

I hope that everyone trying to get themselves a pair has good luck!

Resellers can eat a fat one.
.....but Solefly is in Miami.....
Originally Posted by dmxgod

Originally Posted by only HoHs collected

Originally Posted by kiddwill58

they sed hoh boston n solefly in mia tho
does anyone have any footage of my campouts? and not any loyal fans photoshops

zyr12 wrote:
So those with a job gonna spend 3 to 4 days camping.. hm... opportunity cost guys.
don't be ignorant, i'm fortunate enough to be on the clock, and camp simultaneously  
i know im not the only 1, just the only to admit it on a thread
Camping out for shoes is not a job fam..get a real job..that requires you to ACTUALLY work..

don't slurp on my essence, I work right around the corner from a well known spot

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