Air Jordan 1 x UNION LA Thread

my frenzy stuck on ‘workin on it’ page, but got a charge in my wallet.... dunno what’s worse, getting a straight L or this...
Got unlucky message, yet got charged and got an order confirmation. Hearing others might have as well.
My size hope you got em though
Crazy to magically get through only for them to say they wont ship to you.. This really went downhill after the first drop.
enter billing address

ok now enter shipping address

ok now enter phone number

ok now enter email address

ok now enter passcode

bruh, damn! forget about it then a**hole jesus christ

Yea this what got me too. I just gotta laugh this one off now, like why'd I even try.
I got the unlucky screen but got payment taken and confirmation from Union as well. Seeing several other people with this lol hope it doesn't turn into a delayed L
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