Air Jordan 1 High OG Black/Gray aka Shadow 1's

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I just left the page at "purchase". I'm waiting at my spot, 6th in line with 4 ahead of me waiting for the Shadows.

I didn't want to risk getting my order cancelled and not getting my extra pair cuz I for damn sure wasn't going to wait anymore.
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Is JJ known to sell more than they have in stock and end up refunding? Curious whether I need to stay up and wait for NDC, finishline...

I bought from jimmy on two occasions. Shaq attaqs and lebron hazelnuts. Both times I got my shoes. I know that isn't a lot to go on but just thought I'd share my experience
I was gonna cop another pair of these for retail (had plenty of time to) and sell my sp pair for what i paid for them, but i decided not to even go through the hassle of trying to get them off.. i'm just happy i got them, and the 4's  
These are a easy cop here in the UK, most sites went live a few hours ago for orders and you can still order now in most sizes, still a lot left on Nike EU site. I'm going to visit Nike later on today, should be a nice easy cop, if only all releases were like this! No waiting for the link to go live and being told it has already been sold out!
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I bought from jimmy on two occasions. Shaq attaqs and lebron hazelnuts. Both times I got my shoes. I know that isn't a lot to go on but just thought I'd share my experience
Thanks for sharing. First time picking up from jimmy. Hoping things go well. beats staying up all night.
It's 3 AM here and I'm wide awake. I'm gonna try to stay awake until 5 and try my luck.

Went to sleep when I saw JJ was down for maintenance and foolishly bought into 7AM so i set my alarm clock for 6:30AM and wake up to this

As long as not to many people in front of me what these I should be good. 4 stores have the 4's and 1 has the 1's
This is how it's gonna go down,

Once you click the TLO, you're gonna add to cart, and be waiting in line for 20 minutes only for it to show "Out of Stock" pop-up.
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Not grizz, but that link dropped between 6 and 7 eastern time zone, at least that's when I got the tweet. 
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