Air Force III Denver Nuggets

I guess the lux 97's are for gays too....
Originally Posted by trethousandgt

Leronj's looks like you've been wanting to post a "you mad?" Pic for a while, because that was real piss poor execution
and to answer your question yea i am mad, im mad that they retro crap like this and ignore better shoes that have yet to be retro'd, but i wouldn't expect a newbie to understand that.

Yeah, that's it, I spend all day waiting for the perfect opportunity to post pics of Cam'ron. You got me all figured out, bud.

As for the sneakers, I don't care for them either but you're the one making a big deal about them, cussing and carryin' on. Seems to me like youcould ignore it and focus on shoes you are interested in instead of making immature comments about how rainbows are gay and whatnot. But hey, I wouldn'texpect a guy who spends his time amassing a high post count on a sneaker message board to support his superiority complex to understand that.
Spends my time amassing a high post count to support a superiority complex? Try doing some math, seems like you need a set of glasses "bud"I have 2244 posts in over 5 years and 7 months on this message board which comes out to an average of about 1 POST PER DAY, you on the other hand have been onthis message board FOR 16 DAYS AND HAVE 50 POSTS WHICH AVERAGES OUT TO MORE THAN 3 POSTS A DAY, AND IM THE ONE TRYING TO AMASS A HIGHPOST??????? COUNT
and immature comments about how rainbows are gay? Where did i say rainbows are gay and how is that immature? The rainbow flag is the flag for gay pridethats not something i made up, thats a FACT. I don't think you have grasped the concept this is A SNEAKER MESSAGE BOARD. So, if i'm going to"talk" with any emotion about shoes on any message board it would be here, you better believe if Nike is releasing this garbage I most certainly willvoice my opinion on it and i have every right to do so, but, once again, I wouldn't expect a bandwagon collector to understand just how disgusting theseare. Also, you supposedly don't care for these sneakers but you took time out of your life to ATTEMPT get at me in the post? You tried to hit me with that"you mad" pic and it was random and lame, its honestly newbies like you that keep a lot of the original member's from posting, because havingdiscussions with people that don't have any true passion for these sneakers, and then come and here and act like an elitist gets the
^^^LAWD...What's up with the essay writing?!

I sat down and thought about this shoe........

Sorry, there's no way a straight man could pull those off.

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