*ADVICE ON TRADE* fear IIIs & IVs VS. 120 cash + fear Vs

Jun 2, 2013
Im trying to decide whether I want to go through with this trade or not.

I'd be giving up size 12 Fear 3s & 4s. He'd be giving up a size 13 (my size) pair of fear Vs +110 cash on top.

What do you think NT?

All opinions appreciated
Come on bro do whatever you feel. If its a fair trade for you do it. Your the only one who can answer the question YOU asked.
Like Bc said, do what you feel is right. But it seems like an even trade to me. Fear IV's and III's are going for between 250-280 on ebay. While the V's go for 350-400! So you do the math and it's pretty even.

It all comes down to, do you want the two you have? Or would you rather have the V's more than having both? You make the call bro.
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Yea i thought it was pretty fair too. I ended up going through with it. 13 is my true size and the Vs are the ones I wanted most out of the pack

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