ADVICE: 38 YEARS OLD W/ J 'S........

just buy what u like don't buy every color just cause u been waiting for something like that like for me in only buying og colors screw the rest
30, house, wife and 2 kids....I love my kix and have been slowly dumping doubles and crap that I got a deal on. I have only been buyin kix that are must havesor if I get a deal on em..Ive been peepin 2k9s on sale for $109 but havent pulled the trigger...
Originally Posted by KB8virginia

I'm 38 years old with a loving wife and a 8 month old daughter. I have roughly 50 pairs of sneakers mostly Jordans, have Kobe's, Barkley's, Penny's you name it. I've been with the sneaker collection business for about 5 years now since I migrated to the States. Of all those 50 pairs, seldom do I use them, they're all kept in the box overcrowding my closet, and 2 other closets. This past several weeks, I've been considering/thinking about retiring from this but sometimes I just could not resist!!!! Considering my age and the current crisis, DO YOU THINK IT'S WISE TO HANG IT UP, SELL MOST OF THESE 50 PAIRS AND GET ON WITH LIFE?? But on the other hand, I might regret in the end for getting rid of my J's.... what do you guys think?? I could earn some money from this and just stop buying sneakers!! DO YOU THINK I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS STUFF? HELP ME GUYS THINK....I APPRECIATE ALL THE HELP!!
i've told myself that last year was the last year and i'm hanging it up. i just turned 33 last feb. since then, i've bought 3 zk4s andi still have some shoes that i haven't even used. CDPs, HDs, etc. i'm in a similar situation as you my friend, my advice, just be very selective. thereare a couple of jays that i've already passed, but with the easter 1s just around the corner and the DMP2s, i'm pretty sure i'm coming out ofretirement to get those.
Originally Posted by azjordans

Well I'm 40 and still going. You just have to think a little more when your older.
I mean if my 2 kids need something for school or shoes themselves, well the family comes first. As long as the bills and family are taken care of first. Then if there is a little left over I get a pair of kicks. You just become more selective and a little less impulsive.
So don't stop because of age. Stop if you can't afford it.
I am 38, married and have two boys, Destin who is 4, and Jordan who is 1.
I have about 200 pairs of shoes, which about 150 are Jordans.
The way I look at it is as long as I'm taking care of my family, paying my bills, and buying about two pairs of shoes a week, it's all good! lol
Really, like azjordans wrote don't stop because or age.Stop if you can't afford it.
im 21 now and personally i would sell my collection, as some had said "once a sneaker head ALWAYS a sneaker head". What you could possibly do ischose your top 20 and sell the rest, because me i have slowed down on buying shoes/. But each person has their own addiction cars, fashion, shoes, (girls)makeup etc..So just continue what you do
Family > shoes.
I would sell the shoes you don't care about and just keep the ones you love most. I have sold a good share of my collection and haven't copped anyshoes lately because I have to save money for university etc. It's hard, but I have fun finally wearing al my kicks more frequently.
I'm about to be 31 and I've struggled with the question of to sell or not to sell several times before..I mean I have a new wife and a 14 month old sonand it's gotten to the point to where my closet, under the bed, and now under the crib is getting packed with shoes..I had 90% of my collection before mywife and I met, but it seems like I should get rid of the collection and put the money in the bank..But then again, it's not like my collection is costingme money to keep..So it all comes down to what is the smart thing to do..And I've decided to keep what I have and be way more picky on any shoes I buy fromhere on out..If it's a shoe that is being retroed for the first time and I use to have it back in the day, like the Griffeys, I'll pick it up(but only1 pair)..If it's just something that'll go really well with the majority of my outfits then I might cop that too..But other than that I'm going tostart wearing more of my collection and slow down on the buying of new kicks..Peace
like rock said earlier, if it doesn't affect your family then keep going.
i've slowed down and become more selective over the past few years
Im 28, started buying in '07. i hadnt even looked at AJ's since i was a teenager, then all of the damn sudden, i have 70+ pairs. I dont even know howit happened! It snuck up on me. I'm always getting flack from my fiance everytime the issue comes up. Its always, "you could be spending money onthis, or that". At the same time she does understand how i feel about them.

Its tricky. Its a very expensive hobby/passion. It takes up a lot of space in your home, and you will undoubtedly end up losing money if you try to sell.

I have always only bought what i like. I almost always stick to Original colorways. But even still, thats a lot.

I have been thinking of taking down my collection to only the best of the best. But now that i think about it, i say screw it. there are very few that JB couldrelease in the future that will entice me to spend more money. so i think i'll be ok.
i feel you im 26 and im getting rid of alot of mine i had up to 327 pairs im down to about 280 i used to buy whatever i saw and wouldnt wear them i still havealot tho and i got rid of my real heat real fast on ebay came up a nice piece of change but i just cant stop myself i said ill just keep a firm collection
If you could afford it without it interfering with your family's finances, why sell them?

Keep em. You're not harming anyone, plus you will miss the shoes if you sell them away.
keep doin it my collecion is way over 200 and i am turnin 30 in a month and have a kid due on april 1 and have a 24 month old daughter. i just cut the trashout and get stuff that i love like almost og colors thats what i grew up with. me and my brother kept all of all js since age 10 they still at our mothers homeand everything 1999- present here at the keep the love and get rid of the bs
I sold most of my heat and I am only going to focus on the Shoes I really want which is still alot of prs but my advice is get rid of what you don't likeand just cop what you really want.
Keep 'em until you really need money or like someone else said, be selective about which ones you sell.
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Bruh... Trust me when I say... If you are not affecting your family negatively i.e. no food on the table, no clothes on their backs, a roof on their head and bills are paid... then you should keep doing you.

If any of those things are affected than you should reset priorities. I myself lost alot and regained more than I thought I could as soon as I did.. thanks to discounts, and good friends still at the Swoosh. Will I stop? F to the no...

I will always know I have NT and other websites I can get rid of 98% of my kicks to if I should need that option. Til then.. I'll keep acquiring and me and the kids will keep enjoying.


It's always good to see the old heads like us checkin in. Shoes aint just for kids... its for their parents too..
co-sign. i would add that it only becomes a problem if you start beastin with the kiddies.

my parents couldn't afford to buy me j's back in the day, so i was outta luck. now i can afford to get at least a pair, and i'm doing it.
the shoes were hot 20 some years ago (in terms of design, not popularity) and in my mind, they still compare to anything made today - i think that's thedefinition of a classic, actually.

sidebar - we need to start a TEAM 30+.
brother, i'm 2 years away from 30 and have just recently left nike. i say that last part because working for nike, i have come across people as old as60-plus still collecting sneakers because it's their passion. not only that but these older cats still rock j's and the latest JB clothing too. keepcollecting if it's your passion bro. i'll be married next week, have one daugher and will acquire a step daughter and there is nothing more fun thansharing my passion for sneakers and basketball (kobe) with them. they have matching jordan's and can tell they have a passion for sneakers too. it'sfun and it's a hobby. don't stop.

Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

Be selective. Easier said than done tho
my cousin is doing this....
married, one kid, 30-35 of 58 are jordans....
hes only buying retro colorways n ones he likes....
no teams, fusions, spizikes anything like that....
Originally Posted by RockDeep

Bruh... Trust me when I say... If you are not affecting your family negatively i.e. no food on the table, no clothes on their backs, a roof on their head and bills are paid... then you should keep doing you.

If any of those things are affected than you should reset priorities. I myself lost alot and regained more than I thought I could as soon as I did.. thanks to discounts, and good friends still at the Swoosh. Will I stop? F to the no...

I will always know I have NT and other websites I can get rid of 98% of my kicks to if I should need that option. Til then.. I'll keep acquiring and me and the kids will keep enjoying.


It's always good to see the old heads like us checkin in. Shoes aint just for kids... its for their parents too..

I agree. If you can't take care of you family first then you need to get out or think anbout them first. I'm 29 going on 30 in two months, a wife andthree kids. They all look fresh from head to toe before me. And all my bills are paid before I start wasting my bread on shoes. If you miss a pair of shoes cusyou didn't have the bread to get them its not the end of the world you can always cop a pair from someone or the net. But you only know when to stop.
I'm 28 and I've never had more than a bunch of Jordans in my collection because I like to wear all my sneakers, and because I only buy retros ofJordans that I had as a kid (III-XI). Unless you're some museum curator I really don't see the point of keeping sneakers if you don't intend onwearing them. In fact my passion for sneakers comes from wearing them to death as we did when we were young, because only until then will you have had enoughtime to truly appreciate the actual shoe. As for there being an age limit to stop seems pretty redundant because you will never change who you are, much lessthe things you love. So my advice for you would be to trim the collection down to what you will wear, and what has meaning for you.
Don't sell them unless you have to, cause I have a feeling you will start again. But if you have to, you have to so do it. If you don't have to,but you want to save some dough, just only uy the ones you realy like not evrything that comes out. Try to limit it to 2 or 3 pairs a year. To be honest at30, I don't buy what I use to cause I have to pay off student loans bills and my rent, but I buy maybe 3 pairs a year that I really want. To that point Ididn't buy a pair of xxiii's even though I really wanted one, casue I wanted
a couple of the CDP packs.
Originally Posted by KB8virginia

I'm 38 years old with a loving wife and a 8 month old daughter. I have roughly 50 pairs of sneakers mostly Jordans, have Kobe's, Barkley's, Penny's you name it. I've been with the sneaker collection business for about 5 years now since I migrated to the States. Of all those 50 pairs, seldom do I use them, they're all kept in the box overcrowding my closet, and 2 other closets. This past several weeks, I've been considering/thinking about retiring from this but sometimes I just could not resist!!!! Considering my age and the current crisis, DO YOU THINK IT'S WISE TO HANG IT UP, SELL MOST OF THESE 50 PAIRS AND GET ON WITH LIFE?? But on the other hand, I might regret in the end for getting rid of my J's.... what do you guys think?? I could earn some money from this and just stop buying sneakers!! DO YOU THINK I'M TOO OLD FOR THIS STUFF? HELP ME GUYS THINK....I APPRECIATE ALL THE HELP!!
im in the same situation as you, im 40 with a loving wife(who understands my love for shoes) and a 7 month daughter, i too am considering sellingoff my modest collection of about 80+ mainly of jordans, air maxes, trainers, adidas, nb etc which i rarely wear nowadays, i only get to wear some of them onweekends and most of them are ds, the problem is instead of stopping i still buy some new shoes especially retros that i missed out or cant afford buying wheni was still young, i'm blessed in a way that i still can afford to buy some shoes and provide my family a decent living, so i guess if it doesnt affectyour financial ability to provide for your family then its ok to keep it.
i know where your coming from im almost 36 with a house and 4 kids and most people my age around me think im crazy for having so many shoes, but i have beeninto jordans since the first ones came out 84-85. at times i just bought every first release sig that came out sometimes more but the one thing that has stayedthe same i have always been into jordans and will always be into them in some fashion or the other its in my blood i guess.
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