Adult NTers: Do you honestly like the taste of beer?

I'm in college. I don't have a choice
I've never drank beer but alcohol in general is disgusting to me. When I drink, the stuff better be 10% alcohol and 90% juice, which is why I never buydrinks at bars.
when i first started drinking beer..i hated used to be torture to finish a whole beer..started partying with some white dudes..and now i can drink itno problem..but only at parties..its not something i would want during the middle of the day..still haven't grown to like it that much
I've drank many beers in my short(ening) live and I can say none taste good on a comparable level to your common beverages such as lemonade, ice tea, reddrink, or even quarter waters. My taste buds just don't agree with it.

There's not many alcohol that taste good by themselves. I drink it to get right or use it as an excuse to do inappropriate things to females.
Originally Posted by eaalto

Originally Posted by Pmighty

naw. i tried to make myself like it because thats what errybody else was doin plus its cheaper than liquor but i cant do it. the taste is just awful, i cant drink any w/o gagging. no thank you pass the skyy

What were you drinking?

budweiser mainly
i was told "you get used to it" but aint no gettin used to that
I started on Keystone and honestly I don't see how anyone can like %%!@ like that and Natty light or anything of that quality.

Thats about all you get at parties though so you either have to suck it up or find someone to bring you something you enjoy.

I honestly enjoy most beers besides what I've mentioned. I agree on trying to drink "better" beer but I really like Blue light, or maybe that isbecause I haven't tried all of these better beers, but I will keep trying new stuff.


Beer>Hard stuff
Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by Mojodmonky1

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

Originally Posted by Biggie62

Originally Posted by Baybully650

Originally Posted by SonOfTony

nothing beats a ice cold heineken corona on a hot summer day
Drink better beers.

Sam Adams Summer Ale
Sam Adams Cherry Wheat
Sam Adams Pale Ale
Honey Moon
Blue Moon

While I agree with your first statement, your follow-ups don't really hold much weight.
kinda calling the kettle black there pot.

Your trippin if you think that sam adams is a better beer than corona or heineken. And Blue Moon is cool...if your a chick. But its all personal preference I guess.

wait what? when did Blue Moon become a chick beer? I guess...

OK...Blue Moon may not be a chick beer. Only reason I said that was cuz I only seen chicks drinking it.

Either way, Blue Moon sucks, it is made by Coors.
you just got to drink the good beer to enjoy it u don't go out and pick up an MGD or BUDWEISER.
Originally Posted by TrillipinoTrapstar

Nothing beats the taste of good ole coors light. I'm heading out to the bar tonight

pretty much anything is better than the taste of coors light
hate the taste of all beers
its the worst way to get a buzz
you get all bloated and have to pee every 10 minutes

I'd rather take shots or have some cocktails

black label on the rocks ftw
Alcohol usually taste nasty to me.
With that said has anyone ever tasted Banana Beer and how does it taste to you?
I'm curious for some reason.
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