I am from St. Lucia, my entire family is from St. Lucia. They are all Catholic, my sister and I are really the only agnostic ones. Most of my friends are Catholic too. Most Lucian Catholics are not very religious, only a few are, the Jean family is. Most Lucians go to churched out of habit really.

Most St Lucia are pissed about the display too, many are cussin the kid out. And there is a minority that support then and some that agreed with the actions of the brother. It is not some universal approvement. Most Lucian families would swing on that devil instead of hug her.

My grace/forgiveness stuff can be found in the American Black community too. I remember reading backlash on NT when some did it for Dylan Roof. It is not some unique feature of Caribbean immigrants or St. Lucians.

And lets ignore the mother in this too, who has been calling out injustice and police corruption from the jump, and somehow use to actions of one 18 year old kid to make a hot take about an entire island.

And maybe you don't see more hugs because usually witness are not allowed to come near defendants. It is not like every African American every opted out of giving a hug and the Lucian opted in.

*Some* Fair points!

Thank you for commenting!!!

Would you say that you’ve experienced racism in St. Lucia the same as we do here?
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Why would you compare racism..? Racism is racism. No black person on earth should have to go through what we go through. We, the collective, were ripped from our continent and put over here. They too are speaking a language that didnt originate in west Africa, they also were forced to become Christians, forced to adopt European names and look at themselves through a European lense and they too were fed until they weighed a certain amount and then shipped like cargo which is how they ended up there.

St Lucia isnt in west Africa. It's an island on this side of the planet that was colonized. Their experience is the black experience. There isnt a need to compare IMO.
I might look at it differently tho but the same way some muslims went over to fight in Chechnya or in Afghanistan is the same way I look at black ppl and what we go through. If John, Jean and Juan have issues where they are then we have issues where we are.

They robbed *us.*
This is why I stay outta this thread. I will always respect African-Americans even though I am a African-Jamaican.

We have woke strong black people in America, Jamaica, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, wherever

We also have raccoon, sambo, sellout, white supremacy loving black people in America, Jamaica, Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, wherever.

There are specific agendas that pertain to ADOS such as reparations in America, etc. However, Im not here for the "oh these black immigrants dont like us black American" arguments. Its counterproductive and stupid.

Im out, you can find me in the Black Culture Discussion or Dr. Umar Thread. Peace

Jamaicans are still slaves
You right! Each and every one of those mentioned are christian through and through.
THAT is THE problem. So what sugafree sugafree stated is quite on point.
To me its never been an end goal its about awareness..PERIOD!
My actual goals can only be accomplished by me and my immediate spiritual tribe.

This is no longer about race.

When its time to be militant and fight for your immediate tribe, these are the same mentalities in here who are gonna be passive and hugged up on the same people who want to see their destruction out of fear and Stockholm syndrome.
One must truly know the 'survival over all by all means necessary' anarchy driven mind and soul they are up against. I refuse to hold hands with cowards who are still shackled by Babylon's physiological tool of Christianity.

Based slowly on color of skin?
Never...those naive ways are no more.

Again for those with their 3rd eye open the ADOS movement is a definitely a great step toward the right direction mentally. There are layers to an onion.
Why would you compare racism..? Racism is racism. No black person on earth should have to go through what we go through. We, the collective, were ripped from our continent and put over here. They too are speaking a language that didnt originate in west Africa, they also were forced to become Christians, forced to adopt European names and look at themselves through a European lense and they too were fed until they weighed a certain amount and then shipped like cargo which is how they ended up there.

St Lucia isnt in west Africa. It's an island on this side of the planet that was colonized. Their experience is the black experience. There isnt a need to compare IMO.

I disagree Bro.

Theres all kinds of racism.

I would rather hear from someone who lives there because I only visited St. Lucia once a long time ago.

I think its valuable to learn about other peoples perspectives.


I just dont see how we progress without unification and I dont understand why any black person would want to invest in the United states after begging for reparations, justice, etc for hundreds of years.

They dont want us here. We are not valued. They've made it obvious from the start. This isnt our home and we arent treated like citizens.

This land is cursed and was built off of rape, murder, trickery, etc. Via white supremacy and that's after it was stolen and it has been continuously run by white supremacists.

We dont have a place here.

I'd rather be around and surrounded by my ppl.
I just dont see how we progress without unification and I dont understand why any black person would want to invest in the United states after begging for reparations, justice, etc for hundreds of years.

They dont want us here. We are not valued. They've made it obvious from the start. This isnt our home and we arent treated like citizens.

********...this is our country.
Our ancestors built and fought foreign wars for this country.
Some racism from some raw meat eating spiritually frail mutations are supposed to make us leave??
These people have built a society for themselves to have an advantage over everyone else and the still can't find the strength and happiness not to blow their own noodles out or go on a killing rampage targeting others once life throws them the slightest curb ball
Why should I fear or be angered by souls of such low frequency???
Our souls still emit frequencies and the color of life no matter what environment we are oppressed and boxed into.
**** outta here...

What you waiting on then?
If your soul is this tortured here then leave, you are just as weak as the people you claim to despise
See that's the problem I have with you pseudo pro blacks yall do alot o yappin and complaining but aint nobody building up to leave the superficial luxuries and comfort of livin of America.
*****z yap all this "we need to leave" balogne 24/7 but can't go 24 hours without wifi and air conditioning
You gotta be honest wit yourself first ateast.....

They scared man...
Christianity has't even taught them true courage or resilience.
They are going to these churches with other lost confused souls and just playing off insecurities looking for the most strength and happiness in wisdom from another soul.
These slicked back processed hair kente clothed fake shepards are still misleading them from the comforts of Babylon.
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Na I'm neither scared nor tortured and if you read more of my posts in the typical threads where we talk about black empowerment youd know I said awhile back we should stack funds and leave which is what I'm doing.

I think its dumb as hell to beg our oppressors for freedom. Ados' aim is to do what. They know we should have been had reparations. They know how they treat us. They know what they are doing. All of this is planned. This **** on our TV is psychological warfare.

Further dividing ourselves and not seeking knowledge of self is some white supremacist **** to me too just like the other dude said. The things Tariq nasheed said mirrored a trump supporter.

****** sound lost as hell talking down on black ppl on white platforms but I'm supposed to be wrong or scared or whatever. ***** please.
Also I've travelled so you def dont know me or speak for me. I'm prepared to go without because I know that we have been conditioned to believe we need certain stuff that we dont and I'm aware of the things they've taken from our ppl and im aware of the sanctions and other things they do to prevent our progress any time we try to progress as a group.

So speak for yourself. YOU may not be mentally prepared but I am. Like I said before. I'd rather die than go through the motions of living here.
Also I've travelled so you def dont know me or speak for me. I'm prepared to go without because I know that we have been conditioned to believe we need certain stuff that we dont and I'm aware of the things they've taken from our ppl and im aware of the sanctions and other things they do to prevent our progress any time we try to progress as a group.

So speak for yourself. YOU may not be mentally prepared but I am. Like I said before. I'd rather die than go through the motions of living here.

Its well known here I'm on my 3rd passport with 52 countries traveled..I'm a factor or mention in someones book of life globally after they've met my soul.
I know this my family and friends now this and most importantly my creator knows this
What's you point with that part??
Our country but we still face gerrymandering, redlining, voter suppression, you still can't go to the store and not get followed, we still have to beg for opportunities, we still overwhelmingly dont own ****, still getting pushed out via gentrification, still struggle economically, still face wage disparities, still get no justice in this wicked system built for them, still cant organize without ending up on lists, are still celebrating the first black person to _____ so called achievements because we still have to be allowed to do anything at all and we still have to answer to a white person at every level for everything here. Then let you get so called too successful and watch then crush your black ***.

**** all that. That's not freedom.
Our country but we still face gerrymandering, redlining, voter suppression, you still can't go to the store and not get followed, we still have to beg for opportunities, we still overwhelmingly dont own ****, still getting pushed out via gentrification, still struggle economically, still face wage disparities, still get no justice in this wicked system built for them, still cant organize without ending up on lists, are still celebrating the first black person to _____ so called achievements because we still have to be allowed to do anything at all and we still have to answer to a white person at every level for everything here. Then let you get so called too successful and watch then crush your black ***.

**** all that. That's not freedom.

My apologies!
I definitely came off as judgmental
I do understand where you are coming from.
We all have different ways of coping.
Tell me this out of all the places you've traveled where do you feel peace from all of this?
I haven't been in the general forum in like 8 years... that being said...


*Dips out*

Lmao you probably won't respond because you're a lurker but this is for those who believe the same sentiments

Ados isn't an association nor a party, it's the name for a specific group of black Americans who are descendents of slaves in America. Stop tryna make this a party thing you either are or you aren't. Simple.
Tariq a real one...and love how his confidence and blunt honest truth gets under the skin of the exact people who should feel offended.
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I dont see how or why someone would even tie that to pan africanism.

I agree that the division **** screams maga or infiltration via white supremacy.

Tariq <<<

Def do not agree with ****ting on black ppl to make my point and progress with a certain segment of black ppl. ****s weird.

I def dont understand his earlier build the wall, build it high to the heavens and all that ******** and I def dont agree with the taco eating comment. ****s disgusting to me.

I **** with hidden colors but why go into where black ppl are in the world and all that and then later **** on everybody not so called ados.
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Don't mind me, I just got sick of looking over while I'm reading & seeing that big Bush photo in the thread gallery.
I dont see how or why someone would even tie that to pan africanism.

I agree that the division **** screams maga or infiltration via white supremacy.

Tariq <<<

Def do not agree with ****ting on black ppl to make my point and progress with a certain segment of black ppl. ****s weird.

I def dont understand his earlier build the wall, build it high to the heavens and all that bull**** and I def dont agree with the taco eating comment. ****s disgusting to me.

I **** with hidden colors but why go into where black ppl are in the world and all that and then later **** on everybody not so called ados.
Because pan-africanism has been one sided, black Americans have been pushing it but you rarely hear it from those in the mother land. As of right note it hasn’t really benefited black Americans unless you can point me to the direction where it has
The enemy has always been perverted....always on some sus **** every time.
I don't know no brothas who play like this...Michelle would torch Obama and never respect him again if a video came up of him doing this sugary ****. So called heterosexual christian amerikkka would have torched Obama also.
I am from St. Lucia, my entire family is from St. Lucia. They are all Catholic, my sister and I are really the only agnostic ones. Most of my friends are Catholic too. Most Lucian Catholics are not very religious, only a few are, the Jean family is. Most Lucians go to churched out of habit really.

Most St Lucia are pissed about the display too, many are cussin the kid out. And there is a minority that support then and some that agreed with the actions of the brother. It is not some universal approvement. Most Lucian families would swing on that devil instead of hug her.

My grace/forgiveness stuff can be found in the American Black community too. I remember reading backlash on NT when some did it for Dylan Roof. It is not some unique feature of Caribbean immigrants or St. Lucians.

And lets ignore the mother in this too, who has been calling out injustice and police corruption from the jump, and somehow use to actions of one 18 year old kid to make a hot take about an entire island.

And maybe you don't see more hugs because usually witness are not allowed to come near defendants. It is not like every African American every opted out of giving a hug and the Lucian opted in.
That trial made me think of my aunt's murder in the 70s. She was killed by her boyfriend who was a cop. He shot her five times and stabbed her 12 times because she broke up with him. My grandmother would take collect calls from prison and pray with this pos when I was a kid. A man who killed her child. My family is from South Carolina where most US enslaved people passed through.

Christianity has done damage to blacks and I've rejected it but I do believe in spirituality.

He's now a pastor.

I can't do ADOS because I can never turn my back on my brothers and sisters throughout the diaspora.
That trial made me think of my aunt's murder in the 70s. She was killed by her boyfriend who was a cop. He shot her five times and stabbed her 12 times because she broke up with him. My grandmother would take collect calls from prison and pray with this pos when I was a kid. A man who killed her child. My family is from South Carolina where most US enslaved people passed through.

Christianity has done damage to blacks and I've rejected it but I do believe in spirituality.

He's now a pastor.

I can't do ADOS because I can never turn my back on my brothers and sisters throughout the diaspora.

Damn yo, that's wild man.
Lmao you probably won't respond because you're a lurker but this is for those who believe the same sentiments

Ados isn't an association nor a party, it's the name for a specific group of black Americans who are descendents of slaves in America. Stop tryna make this a party thing you either are or you aren't. Simple.

Well since I have to clarify my stance on this, I'll make this quite simple.

There is an argument to be made about Reparations being paid to those who are direct descendants of enslaved Africans in a different fashion those those who are members of the African Diaspora who arrived in the U.S. post 1865.

The part where the Reparations conversation is short on depth is how Black People - ADOS and otherwise - were marginalized out of generating and establishing wealth post 1865 and how the amount of money that Black folks across the Diaspora are owed.

Now, to explain why I say that ADOS is MAGA, it is because the people who started the movement to push for ADOS Reparations - the same people who were saying that Kamala Harris isn't black and were accused of being bots by the Presidential Candidate (and no I'm not supporting her) - support Trump politically.

The Founder of the ADOS movement is a woman by the name of Yvette Carnell.
This is Yvette. Here is some of her work. She's also admitted to being on the board for a front group for the White Nationalist Organization known as FAIR

More places to read:
Why ADOS is Trash with Included Receipts
ADOS - Alt-Right Front Group?

TL;DR: The Founders of the ADOS movement support Trump as well as support Black people from everywhere more divisive than we already are.

*Dips out*
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