Apr 27, 2014
How do y'all feel about this topic?


ADOS are American Descendants Of Slaves. Not Jamaicans, Hatians, Dominicans, Nigerians, or other black national groups.

The idea is that this group specifically holds "blood equity" within the United States. Black slaves allowed for the US to become the foremost economy in the world through free labor.

Because post-Emancipation practices and policies were implemented in order to disenfranchise this group, ADOS have never been able to acquire the wealth (not money) and political capital that they need in order to adequately resolve the racial disparities that exist in American society.

The allegation goes that Democrats have adopted the practice of "benign neglect" towards ADOS in favor of legislative agendas advocating mostly for immigrants and the lgbtq community

They allege that this is excessively inclusive and dismissive of the unique problems that ADOS face in the USA

ADOS want reparations. The form these take seem subject to discussion, but they aren't necessarily free checks being handed out to everyone - more like tuition support, land allocation, community development programs, review of the law enforcement system, etc.

ADOS is willing to withhold voting for any candidate that does not commit to such an agenda

TLDR: if the Democrats don't address this **** fast and make some promises, Trump WILL be reelected. That's a fact. I've seen comments online saying "we survived slavery, we'll survive Trump". Given the current state of things, I find that a bold assertion.

How do y'all feel about this? I myself would "classify" as ADOS and agree with the concept in theory, I just worry that the Democrats will be dumb and ignore the issue until it becomes too problematic to avoid.
So this hashtag just waited until 2020 to come out right?

Y'all don't see the game that's being played: ruling through division.

This 3rd world, dictatorship level politics, and I'm afraid many Americans will fall for it again.
So this hashtag just waited until 2020 to come out right?

Y'all don't see the game that's being played: ruling through division.

This 3rd world, dictatorship level politics, and I'm afraid many Americans will fall for it again.

The founder of this "movement" has been making these statements for a while, even though the acronym didn't come about until recently.

However I do believe that the powers that be will take advantage of this in order to sow discord within the black community

Which is why I said the Democratic candidates need to address this head on IMMEDIATELY
Yet another tribe has been created .

This hashtag neglects that Central/South America and the Carribean are still part of the Americas and slaves were there.

This hashtag is a symptom of blacks in America not having any type of reconciliation after slavery and Jim crow. No movements of solidarity for blacks only in the US.

NAACP, for blacks, gays and minorities
BLM, largely for LGBT and white liberals.

Black Americans still looking for a home.
Man I only hope Russia is experiencing the same level of disruption and division.

If they didn't start this **** they damn sure plan on inflaming it. I'm sure there's no plan in place for combating foreign election interference either.

Like negroes couldn't ask for this in 2012 or 2016? :lol:
On the policy side there might be things I agree with them on, on the political side they are setting themselves up to be useful idiots. A lot of well-intentioned **** gets exploited because the people advocating for it don't watch their flank.

Russia and white supremacist gonna definitely take advantage of this for sure, and laugh while they are doing it.

There is a certain sector of low information woke dudes that don't understand how to build political power or how our socioeconomic really oppress black folk, but love to constantly divide black folk into tribes (by gender, sexual origination, immigration status, place of birth, class, education level, ethnicity, race of their parents, etc.), then talk **** about another group being the real hurdle to progress.

Yuri and Vitali bout to be in their bag on Twitter.
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Ever wonder how countries in Africa or the Caribbean, which are majority black, always fall into political friction, turmoil, and conflict? Well the answer is tribalism. And the folk that want to install a right wing apartheid state in America finna run that game on black americans. And some dudes, many that mean well, will trip over themselves to help them.
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So this hashtag just waited until 2020 to come out right?
Nope. Been a thing for years now. You're just finding out. The people who've created it are very thorough and have great intentions. Whether it turns out to be successful or not remains to be seen.
Ever wonder how countries in African or the Caribbean, which are majority black, always fall into political friction, turmoil, and conflict? Well the answer is tribalism. And the folk that want to install a right wing apartheid state in America finna run that game on black american. And some dudes, many that mean well, will trip over themselves to help them.

Havent we been tribal in a sense for a while now? Instead of being so by culture, we are by ideology.

You got your feminists, womanists, pan africanists, garveyite, NOI, Hebrew Israelite, etc...
Ever wonder how countries in African or the Caribbean, which are majority black, always fall into political friction, turmoil, and conflict? Well the answer is tribalism. And the folk that want to install a right wing apartheid state in America finna run that game on black american. And some dudes, many that mean well, will trip over themselves to help them.

ados was made because of this

these tribes of people would come to america, undermine and usurp the resources allotted to american black people and they would despise american black people while doing so

all these groups suchas indians, asians and a lot of others would open up stores in amercian black spots, make all their money off of them and secretly hate them

this new movement could actually help american black people band together and obtain the resources they’ve been starved of from 100s of years

and no they don’t view all foreigners of the states as disruptions but it’s just a system to get some progress on american soil for those who have been here since birth

I personally don’t align with any classification but I see the importance and this could work to some degree
ados was made because of this

these tribes of people would come to america, undermine and usurp the resources allotted to american black people and they would despise american black people while doing so

all these groups suchas indians, asians and a lot of others would open up stores in amercian black spots, make all their money off of them and secretly hate them

this new movement could actually help american black people band together and obtain the resources they’ve been starved of from 100s of years

and no they don’t view all foreigners of the states as disruptions but it’s just a system to get some progress on american soil for those who have been here since birth

I personally don’t align with any classification but I see the importance and this could work to some degree

Yeah there's nothing wrong with wanting to uniquely identify onesself, which is part of the point of the movement. African American no longer uniqely identifies us for who we are. Also they don't direct any negativity towards the diaspora.
Havent we been tribal in a sense for a while now? Instead of being so by culture, we are by ideology.

You got your feminists, womanists, pan africanists, garveyite, NOI, Hebrew Israelite, etc...
There is nothing wrong with intellectual diversity, listening and learning from one another is healthy.

I mean you gotta call out buffoonery and bigot but folk should be open to hearing one another out, A black woman telling me how sexism uniquely affects their life is not the same as someone trying to rationalize with me that white folk are somehow genetically inferior. One is reasonable argument, the other is bigotry.

But the problem arises when the different tribes ignore their common goal to war among one another.

Also my issue is not with people that want equal footing in the coalition,hell it is not even with the well meaning folk that want a more pro African American political agenda.It is with people that deny other groups a place in ti because they frame a fight for justice is a zero sum game. A battle of ideological battle would be much healthier after we secure healthcare, clean water, decent schools, etc. for everyone.
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On the policy side there might be things I agree with them on, on the political side they are setting themselves up to be useful idiots. A lot of well-intentioned **** gets exploited because the people advocating for it don't watch their flank.
This is exactly how I feel.
Nope. Been a thing for years now. You're just finding out. The people who've created it are very thorough and have great intentions. Whether it turns out to be successful or not remains to be seen.
Where can I read more about them?
ados was made because of this

these tribes of people would come to america, undermine and usurp the resources allotted to american black people and they would despise american black people while doing so

all these groups suchas indians, asians and a lot of others would open up stores in amercian black spots, make all their money off of them and secretly hate them

this new movement could actually help american black people band together and obtain the resources they’ve been starved of from 100s of years

and no they don’t view all foreigners of the states as disruptions but it’s just a system to get some progress on american soil for those who have been here since birth

I personally don’t align with any classification but I see the importance and this could work to some degree
Here is the thing though, ADOS splits up black america.

Like I am a black immigrant from the Caribbean. I volunteer to help black folk, I donate to charities that help black people, I try to go out my way to support black business, hell I even support reparation for specifically African American families, I legit love being part of black america. But to many in ADOS, since my enslaved my ancestors were dropped off in a different part of the Americas, I am an outsider, and the carnage the United States helped inflicted on my ancestors and my birth country means nothing.

Now let us say Trump gets another 4 years and starts ******* with naturalized citizens and green card holders. A ton of black folk like me will be hurt but some people in ADOS seemingly doesn't think that is a issue worth pushing back against because immigration is not an issue the want to waste energy on. Black folk are getting hurt, just not the right ones for us to care.

You don't see how this movement can become alienating within black america?
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Look up Yvette Carnell, who I understand to be the founder of the movement.

Here's a great piece by Ta Nehisi Coates regarding reparations.

Again, I somewhat agree with the concept, if not the potential for division.

At this point it is what it is. The Dems are gonna have to earn their coalition this time around, and I hope they do just that.

They need to realize that these dudes will literally **** around and hand Trump that second term
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Here is the thing though, ADOS splits up black america.

Like I am a black immigrant from the Caribbean. I volunteer to help black folk, I donate to charities that help black people, I try to go out my way to support black business, hell I even support reparation for specifically African American families, I legit love being part of black america. But to many in ADOS, since my enslaved my ancestors were dropped off in a different part of the Americas, I am an outsider, and the carnage America helped inflicted on my ancestors and my birth country means nothing.

Now let us say Trump gets another 4 years and starts ****ing with naturalized citizens and green card holders. A ton of black folk like me will be hurt but some people in ADOS seemingly doesn't think that is a issue worth pushing back against because immigration is not an issue the want to waste energy on. Black folk are getting hurt, just not the right ones for us to care.

You don't see how this movement can become alienating within black america?

if you’re solid you’ll be protected

it’s not alienating you

it’s essentially taking care of home first

most people who come to america don’t identify with being american, they still identify with where they came from

i applaud you but you are def not the majority in how you move
I'm second gen Caribbean on one side of my family and many of my friends are fully Caribbean.

I've always thought of myself and them as African Americans and given little thought to their national lineage. All of my carribbean friends are supporters of black empowerment and African American culture.

Plenty of Caribbean immigrants struggle in the hood with the rest of the American black folks. The white man is trying to freeze them out of their rent controlled apartments in Flatbush just like everyone else.

ADOS can be problematic in the sense that I'm seeing a lot of people online judge and classify other blacks based on their heritage. As a movement to ensure reconciliation for American slavery I **** with it.

What I DON'T want to see is it become some "pureblood" Harry Potter type of nonsense.
i see the need for it among black americans

but some of the rhetoric is divisive

and the fingerpointing seems reductive

Those are the people who misuse and misunderstand it. And they don't really matter. If people have an issue with black folks tryna identify themselves, that's their matter. There will always be those who spew rhetoric to get their point across but that's not what this is about. Like I said, African American, Black American, all of those terms doesnt uniquely identify us anymore, therefore this is needed.
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