ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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I already doubled up but I want to quadruple up tomorrow.  Do yall know if it is one per customer or how that goes?  I need to be 4 deep come tomorrow.
Tomorrow at 12:00


Tomorrow at 12:01

Something must have made them move it up. Me and vampire had the same info for the 28th.

I gotta see if they're gonna abandon the app for retail release.

Sorry guys. I'll reach out and get some more info.
they probably got tired of people calling them and asking stupid questions.

like what size should i get.
Unless Adidas has a Defense Department sized server room releasing the time was dumb. Between the bots and the thousands of regular folks trying to cop this will not end well. I give the site until .000000000000001 seconds after 12 before the crash is real.

The 3 stripes is about to really break the internet.
Adidas in for a huge surprise when their site breaks and no one can order anything.

It'll be worse than Jordan's. The fact that everyone and their mamas want these and if they really will be globally available so everyone can have one. It's going to be madness.
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