ADIDAS x YEEZY COLLAB OFFICIAL THREAD *2016 thread link 1st page*

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Its Bs. I'm confident they haven't released on adc. If so, where are all the confirmation emails at? Where? Adidas should have had way more pairs than barney or any other retailer and email confirmations would sure be popping up. I'm in denial right can't believe I wasted a whole day on nothing and no tweets on their part
this, should have been at least a few screenshots of orders
It wasn't just ADC/Y-3, I feel like a lot of sites didn't release their pairs. Quite possibly one of the shadiest shoe releases I've ever seen.
Premium Sneaks @premiumsneaks
This YEEZY 350 release is going to be like no other!! Huge SURPRISE ahead for everyone trying to cop!
I would love if Adidas just FLOODS the market.  All CWs too.  This is what Kanye has been saying he wants to do too.
Doesn't make sense why they wouldn't have just did that from the beginning though.
To build hype?  Obviously all speculation, but I'm just reading into premiumsneaks' tweet.  The number of Ls taken today is not a surprise.  What would be surprising is if everyone who wants a pair gets a pair.
Today was a good day 

This dude wants his label to get into high end fashion with fashion forward styles. You really think he wants to mass produce and have everyone wearing his stuff? If he really wanted we'd all be able to afford bum status sweaters while wearing 350s.
To build hype?  Obviously all speculation, but I'm just reading into premiumsneaks' tweet.  The number of Ls taken today is not a surprise.  What would be surprising is if everyone who wants a pair gets a pair.
As soon as people saw that they were mass produced they would just return them.
My biggest issue about these types of release are every time we are forced to break or follow the rules of a certain retailer and the "correct" (flourish) action is never the same. For example, they tell you to only enter once or your raffle is void, most people that win enter multiple times. They say the sneaker drops at X:XX AM, you cart earlier and check out, only for it to be canceled. But, on another retailer the only people who flourished are the ones who did checkout prior to the actual launch time. IDK if this post makes sense, but I always find myself not wanting to risk breaking the rules because I want a pair only to end up with 0, while people who just do whatever seem to cop multiple pairs.
Absolutely true. The question is: knowing that, what are you going to do next time?
Which phase are we in right now on that summary that dude wrote up a while ago? I just remember him mentioning that we would see a pic of Benjaminkicks and get salty lmao
Yeezy Drop Cycle in 20 Phases:
Phase 1 – Rumored dates for the next model/colorway start popping up.
Phase 2 – NT Yeezy thread gets flooded with LCs of the last Yeezy drop. Please use the LC thread! If it is too good to be true then I suggest you move on.
Phase 3 – One of the Kardashians posts another filtered image of the shoe ‘confirming’ the release is coming soon.
Phase 4 – More images of the next drop start showing up across the internet. Some see a white dress, others see a gold dress. NT members continue to complain about the filters and lighting used in the pics.
Phase 5 – 2 weeks ahead of the rumored drop, people start asking their local shops or ADC customer service for information. Nobody knows anything, which results in the assumption that this drop is going to be extremely hard to get compared to the previous ones.
Phase 6 – People with ‘inside information’ start to surface. Some ‘know’ the production numbers, others ‘know’ the exact date and time of the release, and some claim to know the woman who sold the scissors to the person that cuts North West’s hair who is receiving the Friends & Family link 2 days in advance. Nobody really knows anything…
Phase 7 – Official confirmation of the release finally comes. As a result, the NT ‘guest’ count quadruples in minutes. Yeezy thread is LIT.
Phase 8 – NT members living in NYC start to complain about backdoored pears. Canada NT members feel left out. Small town members say “online or bust”. European members feel shorted. NT members living in Bolivia question their life decisions.
Phase 9 - Lurkers start to surface. “Who is releasing these?”, “Will these be online?” “Can you spoon feed me?”, “Long time lurker, PM me that secret info.” Let me google that for you ‘fam’. Those looking to cook, post their secrets/tips to the public, eliminating any hope of scoring for themselves.
Phase 10 – The computer science heads start to collaborate. “Code this, code that”, “C++ and don’t forget to carry the one”, “After we eat, all of NT will eat!”. Members with no coding knowledge sit back in jealously and begin to chalk up the L.
Phase 11 – Everyones social media feeds are filled with raffle entries. Nobody seems to ever win except the botiques mailing list.
Phase 12 – In store raffle winners are announced. Winners boast, losers claim it was rigged.
Phase 13 – Drop day: Some haven’t slept in days, others have hypothermia. “Do I have enough dough in my account to cover taxes and shipping?” “$300K in account, that enough brah?”. Websites are crashing left and right. Some get through with an easy +1, others complain that the bots got them all. “I hit submit but never got an email notification and the funds are still in my account, did I eat?!”, “When’s the afternoon restock?”, “+3, easier than the last drop”, “I used the same address and card for my two orders, will they get cancelled?”. SALT. NT Yeezy thread can’t even be kept up with.
Phase 14 – Shipping confirmation emails start going out. Those that haven’t received one start to panic. Some feel the necessity to post their package weight. Nobody wants to know how much your package weighs. Some idiot boasts on social media with his order/tracking number. Another idiot reroutes that order or gets it cancelled.
Phase 15 – Cancellation emails start going out. SALT. Some people haven’t heard anything since they placed their order while others have their pears in hand. These people contact customer service and get a cancellation email shortly after
Phase 16 – The lucky ones start posting pictures their stacks of Yeezy boxes as they get delivered. The members that struck out will say “You got eleventeen pairs?!!? I couldn’t even get one!”. SALT. Acceptance of failure starts to set in. Comments such as "I never wanted them anyways" "I already have "enter yeezy shoe street name or hyped Jordan here" begin to surface left and right.
Phase 17 – The lurkers give up and disappear. Guest count drops significantly.
Phase 18 – New members who hit on the drop don’t pay attention to the rules and start listing their pairs for sale/trade in the Yeezy thread. Banned. NT Yeezy thread slows down.
Phase 19 – @Grizzyanimal keeps the NT yeezy thread alive with trolling posts or hilarious gifs.
Phase 20 – See Phase 1.
Yeezy Drop Cycle in 20 Phases:
Phase 1 – Rumored dates for the next model/colorway start popping up.
Phase 2 – NT Yeezy thread gets flooded with LCs of the last Yeezy drop. Please use the LC thread! If it is too good to be true then I suggest you move on.
Phase 3 – One of the Kardashians posts another filtered image of the shoe ‘confirming’ the release is coming soon.
Phase 4 – More images of the next drop start showing up across the internet. Some see a white dress, others see a gold dress. NT members continue to complain about the filters and lighting used in the pics.
Phase 5 – 2 weeks ahead of the rumored drop, people start asking their local shops or ADC customer service for information. Nobody knows anything, which results in the assumption that this drop is going to be extremely hard to get compared to the previous ones.
Phase 6 – People with ‘inside information’ start to surface. Some ‘know’ the production numbers, others ‘know’ the exact date and time of the release, and some claim to know the woman who sold the scissors to the person that cuts North West’s hair who is receiving the Friends & Family link 2 days in advance. Nobody really knows anything…
Phase 7 – Official confirmation of the release finally comes. As a result, the NT ‘guest’ count quadruples in minutes. Yeezy thread is LIT.
Phase 8 – NT members living in NYC start to complain about backdoored pears. Canada NT members feel left out. Small town members say “online or bust”. European members feel shorted. NT members living in Bolivia question their life decisions.
Phase 9 - Lurkers start to surface. “Who is releasing these?”, “Will these be online?” “Can you spoon feed me?”, “Long time lurker, PM me that secret info.” Let me google that for you ‘fam’. Those looking to cook, post their secrets/tips to the public, eliminating any hope of scoring for themselves.
Phase 10 – The computer science heads start to collaborate. “Code this, code that”, “C++ and don’t forget to carry the one”, “After we eat, all of NT will eat!”. Members with no coding knowledge sit back in jealously and begin to chalk up the L.
Phase 11 – Everyones social media feeds are filled with raffle entries. Nobody seems to ever win except the botiques mailing list.
Phase 12 – In store raffle winners are announced. Winners boast, losers claim it was rigged.
Phase 13 – Drop day: Some haven’t slept in days, others have hypothermia. “Do I have enough dough in my account to cover taxes and shipping?” “$300K in account, that enough brah?”. Websites are crashing left and right. Some get through with an easy +1, others complain that the bots got them all. “I hit submit but never got an email notification and the funds are still in my account, did I eat?!”, “When’s the afternoon restock?”, “+3, easier than the last drop”, “I used the same address and card for my two orders, will they get cancelled?”. SALT. NT Yeezy thread can’t even be kept up with.
Phase 14 – Shipping confirmation emails start going out. Those that haven’t received one start to panic. Some feel the necessity to post their package weight. Nobody wants to know how much your package weighs. Some idiot boasts on social media with his order/tracking number. Another idiot reroutes that order or gets it cancelled.
Phase 15 – Cancellation emails start going out. SALT. Some people haven’t heard anything since they placed their order while others have their pears in hand. These people contact customer service and get a cancellation email shortly after
Phase 16 – The lucky ones start posting pictures their stacks of Yeezy boxes as they get delivered. The members that struck out will say “You got eleventeen pairs?!!? I couldn’t even get one!”. SALT. Acceptance of failure starts to set in. Comments such as "I never wanted them anyways" "I already have "enter yeezy shoe street name or hyped Jordan here" begin to surface left and right.
Phase 17 – The lurkers give up and disappear. Guest count drops significantly.
Phase 18 – New members who hit on the drop don’t pay attention to the rules and start listing their pairs for sale/trade in the Yeezy thread. Banned. NT Yeezy thread slows down.
Phase 19 – @Grizzyanimal keeps the NT yeezy thread alive with trolling posts or hilarious gifs.
Phase 20 – See Phase 1.
stop posting this 
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