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So I definitely believe the Footsite App's changed the algorithm/allocation for pairs on the store apps now.
I know close friends/people i know on social who have always hit 100% since last November for Yeezys & they were very unsuccessful on this. (2/6, 2/12, 5/12, 0/7 etc)

Also, many people have won outside the previous "you need 10 minutes to win" standard.

"I" also won at a store I never spend any money with & i returned an item at the store. Two of many things I have heard need to happen/not happen to be in good standing to win, which is confusing to me. So something definitely changed, although i don't know exactly what. IMO, i feel It's more than the "more platinum VIP's in the mix" reasoning, as the data suggests otherwise.

Nonetheless, very happy to see a lot of NT hit on these!


A variation in Footsite App results is not surprising to me anymore..
I posted this last drop & i saw similar results happen today. Same people went 2/12, 1/7, 2/12, 0/36.

NYC FootStores in malls (Roosevelt Field, Queens Center); malls open at 8am - I'm assuming they'll allow pickup at that time?
So UPS decided to send my 2.0s back to sender...... What are the chances I can get a hold of YS to help me get them back?
A little tip from my
Own experience.... google chrome ******* sucks with splash page... the only browsers that get me through is safari and Mozilla
Looking like I may not get a pair. I want to trade a extra 2.0 for a blue tint, but I know folks are gonna keep saying “2.0s add cash since they made more pairs”. They go for about the same on stockx though
So going 2/12 is not hitting

I thought not hitting meant not getting a pair

Its still successful to me. Not successful to them when prior to Beluga 2.0, they would be 12/12, 7/7, etc.
It's all about perspective my man.

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