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Its crunch time for YS.

You cant leave your computer until they drop. You cant even blink too long at this point
The 'password is for Friends and Family' is still my favorite myth that circulates about YS releases. Because we know how realistic it is for those rich friends and family to pull all nighters or wake up super early to buy sneakers. :lol:

F&F have a separate link and page that gets emailed to them or their managers/assistants

they already have their pairs

hence why most of F&F have been posting them on IG

the "inner circle" gets theirs straight from Kim
YS pulling the Zebra release 
I was being dead serious about wale though.

I could def seeing Kanye making him jump through hoops like the rest of us.

And Kim prolly blocked his number after asking for an oop every drop :lol:  

Wale is well connected in the sneaker community though.. Here in DC, dude had deep ties with local shops. If you don't believe me, watch the Chillin' video with Lady Gaga.
If the numbers on this release are lets say 30-40% more than Breds which it looks like it is you might be lucky enough and have YS get you your pair as the fireworks are going up for 4th of July  on the standard $20 shipping fee.
YM being extra douchey to people right now

I bet the farm he's 25
Likely guy can't take any criticism. He either attacks you if he has an angle or just blocks you. He wants dumb sheep that immediately retweet his who's up nonsense in the middle of the afternoon
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