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:nthat:November was a hell of a month
Man... my boys pair got swiped. Got his delivery notification at 6:50. We had dinner and when he got home it was gone.

It was his first pair and he was hella excited
Man... my boys pair got swiped. Got his delivery notification at 6:50. We had dinner and when he got home it was gone.

It was his first pair and he was hella excited

That's very disheartening. Hope homie gets the shoes or a refund at the very least. Do not hesitate to call FedEx

Does he live in an apartment building or house? Sometimes, a lazy *** postman will leave my package with a neighbour, usually in the first floor, but not mention what apartment.

I called FedEx, complained and told them off and also snitched on an employee who left a package in the lobby floor (we don't have a doorman). Luckily me and the fam are close with many tenants in the building so later that night one of the neighbours knocked and let me know. Now, the postman usually leaves it with the next door neighbor and not one on a whole other floor. USPS on the other hand, they still gotta learn how to not leave packages unattended in the lobby.
Hey nice one of my ADC pairs that was still listed as "Waiting to be packed" after a week and I figured was all but lost randomly showed up with another pair today. Correct order number and everything. Maybe that will bring hope to some others who are stuck in limbo.
That's very disheartening. Hope homie gets the shoes or a refund at the very least. Do not hesitate to call FedEx

Does he live in an apartment building or house? Sometimes, a lazy *** postman will leave my package with a neighbour, usually in the first floor, but not mention what apartment.

I called FedEx, complained and told them off and also snitched on an employee who left a package in the lobby floor (we don't have a doorman). Luckily me and the fam are close with many tenants in the building so later that night one of the neighbours knocked and let me know. Now, the postman usually leaves it with the next door neighbor and not one on a whole other floor. USPS on the other hand, they still gotta learn how to not leave packages unattended in the lobby.

He lives in a single family home. Decent neighborhood too.He called fedex and filed a claim/investigation. Got told he’d get a callback tomorrow. I suggested asking neighbors in case in got dropped at wrong house. It WAS close to 7 which is dark af so might be a possibility
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