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You put in the zip code for the store you have a code for and then select that store. You'd then check in for that store by inserting the code you have. Then you can just change it back to your preferred stores.
^THIS.... literally saved me a trip to the mall tomorrow. props for that :smokin
Reminder...Please do not clutter the thread with code requests. Post as such will be deleted as “spam.”

1. Wait for members to post (thank you to the usual members who continue to post them)

2. Go to the store, obtain them, and post if you care to share
Adidas confirmed sucks lol idk why I’m talking ****. I’m still gonna drive to the zone and try even tho there’s a 95% chance of an L
I've driven to the zone twice on my lunch break..first time I only got to the EDGE of the zone in time and didn't even get to try. last week I got to the zone, ate some taco bell in the car, took my L and drove right back to work lol
Every man, woman and child will be a proud owner of this shoe
Can i haz too? Woof
Went into FA today & spent $300 for 3 min. I did knock out Christmas for the niece & nephew too though. However the UB’s I bought may go back. :lol:
I've heard of someone who purchased a bunch of stuff to get platinum right before a yeezy relase, then returned some of it afterwards - supposedly got their account blocked or banned. I would try to just sell it for retail or something if you can to avoid getting any red flags.
Have you anything
Got the call an hour ago from Galleria in Dallas, was still at work and driving home I couldn’t post it. My girl won too, from the same FNL, same size. I have a 10 MHS on FTL so since we’re good on that size already I’m shooting to get them for my brother.
Have you heard anything about Fnl town east?
Glad ya'll hitting on these Belugs. :nthat: Looks way better than the Peebras.

I need these. :emoji_heart_eyes:

Contemplating if I should pull another all nighter for these Beluga 2.0s since I already know Confirmed and ADC be bull****ting me even with the high production number. Hopefully one of these online raffles come through :emoji_pray:
Wife called FNL Victoria Gardens about an hour ago and they said, they will be calling tonight, and in the morning tomorrow.
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