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Whether it works or not, you are appreciated. I've seen cats on here brag for years about how they have inside info and/or skills to rack up. However, they are almost never trying to share what they have. The simple fact that you are willing to try makes you A+ in my book.

And for those that are squeamish about donating. Don't. It'll happen with or without you and if you aren't willing to go out on a limb with a few bucks then take that money and buy resell.
If we can cart IMMEDIATELY when the site goes live then we'd miss most if not all of the checkout errors. Most people would still be in the "searching for inventory queue".
Thank you. And donation amounts? Whats the # we gotta hit for it to work?
This is irrelevant to the amount you feel comfortable donating. Once again, the donations are for hosting/server costs. This is an experiment, not a guaranteed way to secure pairs.
I'm always super skeptical of stuff like this. if dude is so good with coding, why not just use that knowledge to cop multiples for himself? you gotta ask yourself what is the real reason he is offering to help NT out...and taking donations in the process

but hey it's only a few bucks so no big loss for the people donating. I just have a hard time trusting most people when it comes to asking for money online

also not sure how big of a help an auto add-to-cart bot is gonna be. carting isn't the problem at all on ADC, it's the checkout
If you're super skeptical, it's probably in your best interest to not donate. Not sure what your money situation looks like.
If we can cart IMMEDIATELY when the site goes live then we'd miss most if not all of the checkout errors. Most people would still be in the "searching for inventory queue".

Let me rephrase- I had the inventory error as soon as the page went up, and had a pair in cart as soon as "ADC uploaded inventory". But had checkout errors for over 2 hours. Got charged 9x, had a call form my CC company, and never got confirmation. needless to say it was not a good friday for me and took a big L that day.
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I had the pair in cart before Adidas ever sent out the tweet. But had checkout errors for over 2 hours. Got charged 9x, had a call form my CC company, and never got confirmation. needless to say it was not a good friday for me and took a big L that day.

you had a pair before ADC uploaded inventory? WOW
stop saying swindled as if adidas sent us fake Pirate Blacks. 

Some of us prefer the AQ version fyi. I have multiple pairs of both versions (AQ from OG release, AQ from last week ADC, BB from Confirmed App). The padding is not that noticeable. Again, it's splitting hairs.


I swear some people just like to lie to themselves and start splitting hair...

I'm in the same boat Vino, I own and have worn both...

BB's still blistering heels but people sweeping that under the rug....

I swear some people just like to lie to themselves and start splitting hair...

I'm in the same boat Vino, I own and have worn both...

BB's still blistering heels but people sweeping that under the rug....
 exactly. I don't get blisters because I don't wear no show socks with my 350's. 
This is irrelevant to the amount you feel comfortable donating. Once again, the donations are for hosting/server costs. This is an experiment, not a guaranteed way to secure pairs.

If you're super skeptical, it's probably in your best interest to not donate. Not sure what your money situation looks like.
I just don't wanna see a bunch of people get played. not trying to be negative nancy, just don't want some of these people getting their hopes up like their chances of copping are gonna increase drastically because they gave some guy online $2 to potentially share a bot with them
If you were able to cart this time around, and were logged into your ADC account, you could just go to ADC and checkout through the normal site as the shoes would transfer in the cart.
you would still get errors
So Ultra Boosts should be +1 of your 350 size?

Such as... 8.5 in 350s = 9.5 in UB?

Thats what I did. I may order a TTS in ultra boost just to see but when I bought these J&D Collective a ultra Boost they only came in half US sz so I had to get a 10.5 and it worked out IMO
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Although he asked those who donated to not release the pw, I can guarentee that the pw will be passed around
I just don't wanna see a bunch of people get played. not trying to be negative nancy, just don't want some of these people getting their hopes up like their chances of copping are gonna increase drastically because they gave some guy online $2 to potentially share a bot with them

you would still get errors
Appreciate the sentiment, but we're all capable of making our own decisions here. At the end of the day, someone is gonna feel ripped off, whether this thing launches or not, whether people get a pair or not, whether people get one pair or multiples, etc.
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^^^You know people are def gonna complain regardless, even more so if nothing comes of it. Hell people are complaining about receiving AQs instead of BBs as if they weren't lucky enough to snag a pair at retail.

Those people can go kick rocks or relearn the definition of what a donation is.
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I've seen cats on here brag for years about how they have inside info and/or skills to rack up. However, they are almost never trying to share what they have. The simple fact that you are willing to try makes you A+ in my book.
Its because the dudes who don't share that info, continue to eat/cook. If more people knew the secrets, then it's pointless because theres less chances to cop. 

Take the current situation for instance, everyone has a bot nowadays. Less and less people cook with the bots. Back then, having a bot had a much higher success rate. Now it's almost like it doesn't matter, especially if you have a cheap bot. 
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