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I put Saint as the PW. North and Kim didn't work. I guess we know who the favorite is now. Also does anyone else feel strange that we're all cooking this easy?
They ******* with us. 75% of us are getting cancelled. 
I cooked a pair on YS for a friend that I promised I'd help him since he has never gotten a W, but was too late for myself. Hopefully karma will shine on me and I can cop a pair for myself later today. 
Man I'm gonna try ADC in a couple of hours as well for my brother in law. I'm still in disbelief with YS. Also my heart was pounding. Now the adrenaline just washed away all my sleepiness. 
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Man I'm gonna try ADC in a couple of hours as well for my brother in law. I'm still in disbelief with YS. Also my heart was pounding. Now the adrenaline just washed away all my sleepiness. 

Same, at Disney world on vacation at my hotel, went to bed at like 4am, set my alarm, just woke up now and cooked. Now I can't go back to sleep, lol.
Cooked an 8 and 10k both different orders.. I shouldn't get cancelled since it's different items technically right?
i have 10.5s in Belugas and the toebox is tight as ****...went with 11 on the breds. hoping they didn't change anythign up or these are gonna look like clown shoes
I'm still shook I copped off YeezySupply.. 

I know they take a bit for shipping though, anyone know how long they typically take?
That was BS, wasted my time on the game and missed YS by a few minutes. Beat the game twice and still can't cart
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