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Grow a pair man, put your money where her mouth is [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji] JK
After being married for 16 years this month I have no balls left hahahah
I don't believe that's how the HMAC works. You don't bypass the splash page with the correct HMAC. The HMAC is there to make sure you can proceed AFTER you've bypassed the splash page. And even if you have bypassed the page and have the HMAC generated for your session, if you try to re-enter the website, you'd have to wait in the queue again; it's not like some magic key that let's you bypass the splash. 

So any "HMAC Generator" you see for sale or whatever is selling you snake oil. 
Yeah people think HMAC is this little thing you just bypass, it's not. Do some research people. Good post
Hit up Kings Plaza after work today, signed up at FinishLine and checked in at FootLocker, FootAction, and Champs.
Got a 10 min. Headstart at each so im hoping to hit...
Kinda ageeed

I'm starting to think somerset mall in MI is shady

For the Black Friday pairs some kid entered once for each colorway and somehow "hit" on all three :rofl:

Yea... my ***
I hit on Coppers & Greens there. But yeah if that kid is a teenager he's cool with the manager.
Fairlane and somerset only HOH that release e
Then champs at fairlane and I think footactuon at eastland

No finishlibes

Sometimes 2 maybe 3 mr Alan's but haven't posted anything yet

I don't count pogo or burner rubber those are withou a doubt vaxkdoored and half the time they make you buy stuff for tickets
Mr.Alans is shady 100 percent...all of them...especially Redford & Harbortown. Pogo is legit though. I won Choc 750's there.
@kingrome23 ... if I understand correctly with your three store option yo want to select a mix of SD/LA stores -- there isn't away to do this.

Also just caught 4 orthodox (Hasidic) dudes checking in at 34th street footlocker ....not Jewish but isn't a in-store pick consider a no go as it would be work product done on the sabbath? [emoji]129300[/emoji]

Dreads, hat and all?
That pic would have started a new meme frenzy.
Just dipped out of work early and got 2 raffle tickets. Lady at Finishline let me submit even though I was about 15 min passed the cutoff time. She also said they had over 1000 entries.

Not expecting to hit, but 2 raffle tickets, plus the online raffles (I hit Greens on NeedSupply) and then I'll try my luck on ADC, we'll see.
Just dipped out of work early and got 2 raffle tickets. Lady at Finishline let me submit even though I was about 15 min passed the cutoff time. She also said they had over 1000 entries.

Not expecting to hit, but 2 raffle tickets, plus the online raffles (I hit Greens on NeedSupply) and then I'll try my luck on ADC, we'll see.

Wow 1000 entries, that's ridiculous
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