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Good luck sneaker soldier lmao
You trying to mock me, but I'm just tryna help people be happy my dude. You're the one trying to horde them to you and your boys, looking like smeagol, yeezy edition. I can tell how salty you are, try to calm down.
You know you're not gonna get through to these people man; this thread has a whole different kind of stupid.

I don't understand why the people who are good enough to find the flaws in these systems get so upset when they're made public.

It honestly always takes a while for the flaws to be uncovered and these people should have good enough skills to find more flaws that come forth.
Nah, it's not "just life man". Might be your life, but I try not to surround myself by people who find the cloth they put on their feet more important than human relations they can gain by giving a hand when needed. No worries, you obviously don't understand, and I'm in no mood to try and teach ethics & decency. Let's agree to disagree.
It's the Internet lol. If you're expecting people that you can't even tell if they're and adult or a 12 yr old is not the place to be expecting people to do stuff for you in the name of "ethics and decency."
there is a confirmed jig. my boy used it and grabbed a pair today. obvi not 100% success. its not even about exposing the flaws. its about how everyone just want their hand held through a limited release and then turn their back on you like they found their real father. theres a reason why this thread is a redirect for all questions from SM.. so people can asked to be..
You know you're not gonna get through to these people man; this thread has a whole different kind of stupid.

I don't understand why the people who are good enough to find the flaws in these systems get so upset when they're made public.

It honestly always takes a while for the flaws to be uncovered and these people should have good enough skills to find more flaws that come forth.
You smart(DJ Khaled Voice)

I don't understand how knowing code & how to program entitles you to a higher chance of having the ability to buy a sneaker. The only thing Programming entitles you to, is a slightly bigger paycheck to which you are able to turn to once you've exhausted your opportunity to cop at retail. I just must be missing the correlation between 'IT' and sneaker purchasing. 
Ya'll going crazy in here 

i mean straight up crazy for these shi*s G 

it's what ever to me.. i'm gonna try and if i miss o well 
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I appreciate the constructive response, man. And believe me, I feel you on that too. I'm not saying it's a perfect system, nor can there be one. What it looks like to me, and I may be completely wrong, is that we have two scenario's..

1) As it is now, a group of people getting 3-4 each, while other's (some more deserving, some less), get none.

2) They are more spread throughout, so at least some who have put in work can reap the rewards from their efforts, and sure.. some of the people who are leaching will also get to enjoy their time, but which is worse? Some 17 year old copping a pair of yeezy's to show off to his boys at school, or someone hording 10 pairs to sell at 5x retail.

I know which one is the lesser of two evils for me, and it may vary for everyone, but this is what I believe.

I applaud you and your effort. There are some that may think that what your doing is "taking money from their pockets".
Expose them.... This feast or famine has to stop.
I don't understand how knowing code & how to program entitles you to a higher chance of having the ability to buy a sneaker. The only thing Programming entitles you to, is a slightly bigger paycheck to which you are able to turn to once you've exhausted your opportunity to cop at retail. I just must be missing the correlation between 'IT' and sneaker purchasing. 
Ignorance at its finest
Don't try to pretend like you even know how to read C++, Java, etc. Y'all sat group chat, googling.. That's what you think entitles you? lol "RESEARCH BOYS"
I don't need to pretend lol I work in IT. I do powershell, python, java, HTML and JS...... The fact that you're ignorant and think the scrypt is in any of those languages is hilarious. I mean the script is in PHP ffs 
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