Adidas NMD thread

After catching a big L on a Nordstrom cancelation, I was still able to cook up a nice little meal for the fam this morning. Scored the Greg Circa Knit from FNL and was able to use a $100 gift card I had, and also managed to snag the white PK and chukka on ADC and also successfully applied $125 worth of gift cards. Having some trouble checking out with the black PK and the white womens pair, but I'm happy either way. Probably gonna head down the road to a bigger town just to see what the scene is in the malls there, then cap it off with a little trip to the Nike Outlet to burn this coupon I have. Great day so far!
Buddy of mine is looking for a Size 6 Maroon pair for his girl. Does anyone know if those are going to be sold in stores?
well, I dont know how did it happan...but I ended up with 3 pairs of each PK orders of course....but that was due to the lag and CC declines...
did footlocker orders ever happen? its been saying out of stock since launch. Meh.

I got the navy's on JD last night with confirmation but I want the black/white/blues still.
white PK going for over $300 on ebay.. wow sold items already people paying over $300 resell for these
All the effort with this low key raggedy *** site makes you not want them as much. 

jk. Where to find burgs? Am I too late...
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