Adidas NMD thread

Damn. I was hoping to go down a full size on these OG NMDs. Might have to play it safe with just 0.5 down
lol but yall missed the kith ubs this morning tho
i dunno how you guys get these NMDs lol. i pretty much gave up. had a salmon pair, khaki, 3 whiteouts, and tri colors but i cant be online for hours waiting on a drop ill never get. these are so hard to get even now. 
looking through the Out list and see maybe couple good keepers for beaters. But definitely moving up keeping the more unique fire ones. We'll see how the NMDs are this go around.
Happy New Year.
Good luck on your pickups.
Thanks brother wuchi01 and happy new year to you too!  

So far the OGs, Japan Black Boost, Burgandy English Language Pharrells and Pink Pharrells (if they are a men's shoe) have my eye for 2017.  If Adidas reaches out to 1/100th of the companies people have already mocked up collabs with on Instagram, they will have a banner year.  

1st order - no email at all, but my 2nd order shipped and i think i read somewhere that they wont ship till 16th, so it might take a while to get anything.  
I got all the emails. They aren't releasing the shoes to the courier until the 16th so nothing has shipped yet.

My tracking number has been active for a few days but just says "your parcel will be with us soon".
Im all for having a nice collection. I want those Japan TB but if I don't get them oh well. I have never gotten any compliments from woman or men about my sneaker collection and when I have had any looks or questions have been from boys and girls.

What I'm not about is a person that somehow think are super exclusive because a pair of shoe and the connects he has to get them and think everyone that doesn't have them are beneath or have trash ...

I respect a person for the person not because of something they wear on their feet ... I understand that some people simply don't have the means and what they have is all they could afford and others that frankly aren't into things like that.

Today I sold a DS Pair of Grapes 2006 for 200 bucks. I felt sick sending them away especially when I see some of these basic joints going for way more. But I'm comfortable in my life to understand that I have to let this collection go ....

Anyways .. It was just a random thought carry on ....
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