Adderall Vol. Side Effects

Originally Posted by JJ1223


He's fine.

Taking it for studying is great, but you can drink like a FISH on this stuff
.... being up at 5 a.m. like "Lets run this flippy cup!!"

i take that #%% too for school and it really helps me a lot. if your boy doesn't have ADD then he shouldn't be taking it. but the reason he is sayingi love god and stuff is because when your on it you feel happy. its an upper can be compaired to some extent the effect that coke or speed..butthis is government speed lol... when i take it, i talk to mad girls at school, talk my way into anything with professors and people lol its crazy...make honorroll like im einstien, when i hardly passed high school lol. side effects suck though, u cant sleep and at night and your never hungry. im not about to writea book on it but if u got any questions about it message me. be safe
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

Originally Posted by socluis90

so if i need to write a 8 page research paper in 2 days take this?

If you can't write an 8 page research paper in 2 days normally, take 2.

i'm not telling you to take it...but if someone were to take it and never have they might want to look into extended release (xr)

and if someone were to take it it's important to know that they need to start doing what they need to do immediately and not get on facebook of NT becauseit will have the opposite effect
Originally Posted by JJ1223


He's fine.

Taking it for studying is great, but you can drink like a FISH on this stuff
.... being up at 5 a.m. like "Lets run this flippy cup!!"
when are we gonna run the table? i got a belt somewhere
undisputed full-cup 1 on 1 champ
Originally Posted by OctobersFinest

"My friend" used to take it in college and "he" would finish papers with the quickness. Fast heartbeat and not being able to sleep was wack tho. Did anyone else lose their appetite too???

yep plus there is another "side effect" that sucks
, I'm sure everyone knows what that is
i took 2 aderollls this week for my 2 tests and i feel fine. smoke a blunt with him, thats what calmed me down after my tests.
Adderall aint no joke. #+## is like synthetic meth. Maybe the dude's been blowing it. I had a buddy that was addicted freshman year. Even when hewasn't using it to study, he'd blow one and drink from like 6 PM to 6 AM.
some of you guys sound like the biggest squares in the world....its a pill, just take it, its not going to kill you.

yes, you lose your appetite, it used to be used and is still perscibed as a weight loss drug. will you be up all night? yea probably.

its like prescription cocaine.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

some of you guys sound like the biggest squares in the world....its a pill, just take it, its not going to kill you.
I dunno, it's still a variant amphetamine and if someone carries the gene for addiction then they can get into some real trouble with it. Iwouldn't consider someone a square cause they wouldn't wanna risk this =\
Everyone in this thread is missing my point LOL. I know what it does and what it is. Ya'll dont have to explain it to me. YES it does help you focus andstudy but that is not my question. This kid who I am talking about is someone I met through another friend when we ball it up every week at the rec. Like Isaid Ive hung out with him a few times and he was a normal guy just like anyone else, nothing out of the ordinary. Recently, just a couple days ago, we raninto him at the library and he looked different. His eyes were much more dilated and darker. He started talking about GOD and how he had a revelation and howeveryone needs to be saved by the Lord. He was making no sense and acting so wack that we thought he was pulling our leg and joking with us. Turns out hewasn't. We sat at a table and got ready to study and he throws his hands up and begins to mumble like he was praying or something. He then starts preachingto us. It was the wierdest and more disturbing thing ever. We decided to bounce and ran into someone that knew him better than us. And what he told us is that,this "kid" hasn't slept in 3 days and has been hopped on addy. I dont know if he took some ACID or what but it honestly looked and sounded likehe was possessed by the devil. This is a guy who was ballin it up a few days ago and kickin back and playin 2k10 with us talking about normal stuff. My friendsthink hes literally possessed but that %%#! only happens in movies. Ill update you guys on whats goin after my homies check out his crib. Something def aintright
Well what do you want us to do? Give you exorcism instructions or something?
I use to take aderall ALOT when I was in school. I hate and suck at reading but when I took aderall I could read 150 pages in like 3 hours. Theres no real badshort or long term side effects atleast to me. I took over 250mg in 2-3 days before just for fun, it was crazy but I didnt miss a beat. O and smashing onadderall is amazing.
Yea, i bet it is just because of lack of sleep that he is acting like that.

Adderall is so cool. I swear my gpa would be halved if it weren't for this. Learned the damn Chemistry of Life in one night!
Originally Posted by heartofthacity

question to adderall ir users: how long does it take for it to kick in (about 15 mgs)
like 15 minutes....

The cons:
Adderall def affects my appetite, my sleep, and my lungs, since i smoke nonstop when I take it.

The Pros:
Everything. Man, the **** I come up with when im on adderall is just genius, and it never stops.

This is my adderall song
, I cant stop saying "tastes like candy" after i pop one.
If you have heart problems, don't take it. With that being said, back in high school, I made a 30 on the act, 4.3 gpa senior year, and started a nonprofitorganization, all on adderall.
Originally Posted by StuntHard

If you have heart problems, don't take it. With that being said, back in high school, I made a 30 on the act, 4.3 gpa senior year, and started a nonprofit organization, all on adderall.
i have a heart problem, and i take adderall. anyonestart feeling jittery once they pop it, wait 10 mins, then smoke a stoge?
then go straight to studying.

RIP to me
Damn I REALLLY wish i found out about adderral freshman year of college. I wish I took it 1x a week and studied for 5 hours. I would of got away with a 3.5 GPAor so easy :-( I only found out about it last tqo quarters of college and wowo were they easy.
i've took my roommates 20mg xr's... aint really use it to study cuz NT got to me first
... but i didnt eat for that whole day
Originally Posted by eLNiNo4530

When you take it, it puts you in a zone OP. It can either be a productive one, or you could spend 6 hours organizing your iTunes library.
same here, i went out and bought a bulletin board...wrote down everything i needed to do, organized my room...went to barnes and nobles? for noreason.
Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

Originally Posted by thytkerjobs

Originally Posted by ProduccionFrescos

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My friend took it a few times in the last month (study purposes) and aside from staying up 'til 4AM reading books and taking notes on Finance, he's fine[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].. I'm going to get on it during my Winter break.[/color]
and you're taking it on your break because...?????
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]To study? play COD and smash a billion chicks? Why waste a break doing nothing?[/color]
Fixed it for you nerd boy
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