Absolutely Amazing...

HypeBeast McStreetwear wrote:
Originally Posted by Disfunctional

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Outside of the tricks that song is dope.

"The Funeral"?? Cover?


Yea whats the name of that song? Pretty sure Kid Cudi sampled it on "The Prayer"
Originally Posted by wanksta23

i like how OP never bothered to fix it
Man, I tried but it doesn't seem to be working. Also the song is "Funeral" by Band of Horses.
Dude has mad skills. I remember trying that when I was in junior high. Checked my balls once or twice. Word to Big Zeus from Rob and Big. 'I need a biggerbike!!!'
So why isn't this guy in the X-Games...'cause i'd pay good money to see him and bet good money that he'd win...
The strength and balance required for this is 10x what anyone who who that video is thinking.

It's seriously elite athletic performance

used to be into flatlanding but i was weak as hell and no balance. maybe i will dust off the old WTP
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

Originally Posted by 10508 Cardo Jr Ln

http://www.youtube.com/v/Z19zFlPah-...or2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs HypeBeast McStreetwear wrote:
Originally Posted by Disfunctional

Originally Posted by SiMPLYDiMPLY

Outside of the tricks that song is dope.

"The Funeral"?? Cover?


Yea whats the name of that song? Pretty sure Kid Cudi sampled it on "The Prayer"
i recognized the song too.

Band of Horses - The Funeral
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

So why isn't this guy in the X-Games...'cause i'd pay good money to see him and bet good money that he'd win...
Word. I want him in a video game too, asap. Finally be able to play as someone who CAN do all the crazy video game $@%@ you thought couldn'tbe done in real life
Originally Posted by its stanley

Damn. That backflip off the tree was crazy.
i think that was a flair. But what I really came in here to say was JESUS CHRIST THAT GUY WAS INSANE!
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