ABSINTHE- Dont believe the hype

Jan 14, 2008
So my friend was hyping this stuff up. He kept going on and on about it. How its supposed to make you hallucinate. How it was banned in the US. etc etc. Fridaymy two friends and I go out bar hopping. our first stop is this little bar with nobody in it. the dude standing outside seemed cool. they had a Arsenal vs.Real Madrid game on, so it seemed like the place to start off the night. we had a few beers there joked around with the bar tender then my friend asked if thehad absinthe. we were like cool. we decided to leave and comeback later after we had hit up a few other spots. we were afraid to do it then trip and not beable to go anywhere else. so we come back to the bar around 12 a band is playing and there's a crowd now. so we stay there my friend brings it up anddecides to order the stuff. He orders a round. He and my other friend who's an avid NT'R start sipping on their cups. like if they were afraid todrink it. i took a little taste. it made my mouth go a little numb. then i downed it. and waited but nothing happened. im standing there waiting and waitingbut nothing meanwhile my friends are still sipping on theirs because it made their mouths numb when they tasted it
. Stuff like 60% of course its gonna make your mouth numb. So after all the hypethis stuff didnt do anything but give me a nasty taste in my mouth because it tasted like black licorice.

I was expecting this psychodelic trip. I thought I was gonna end up in the pacific ocean thinking I was aqua man or something like what salvia does to you. butall I got was a
cuz nothing happened and the stuff was 15 of myhard earned dollars.
ehh... Hope you really didn't think you would hallucinate from alcohol?

Absinthe is man's drink
Where did you try it and did you check the bottle? I know people who have hallucinated, I guarantee you got cheap !$%% that doesn't have real wormwood init.
Depressant is a chemical agent that diminishes the function or activity of a specific part of the body (see also sedative). The term is used in particular with regard to the central nervous system (CNS). Alcohol is the most common example of a depressant. Many depressants acting on the CNS do so by increasing the activity of a particular neurotransmitter known as gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), although other targets such as the NMDA receptor, mu opioid receptor and CB1 cannabinoid receptor can also be important, depending on which drug is involved.

Psychedelic effects can vary depending on the precise drug, dosage, set, and setting. "Trips" range between the short but intense effects of intravenous DMT to the protracted ibogaine experience, which can last for days. Appropriate dosage ranges from extremely low (LSD) to rather high (mescaline). Some drugs, like the auditory hallucinogen DIPT, act specifically to distort a single sense, and others have more diffuse effects on cognition generally. Some are more conducive to solitary experiences, while others are positively empathogenic.

Two different things..
Word why would you expect that from liquor...the Absinthe is ok but I don't !%$$ w/it that much. Had it a few times.
it wasnt something i really expected but how i said it was all hyped up to me. so i was waiting for something to happen. maybe a really hard buzz but nothing.it was sort of a let down. i dont think anybody feels anything from it other than normal drink. ive gotten more out of a 2 dollar bottle of night train.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Where did you try it and did you check the bottle? I know people who have hallucinated, I guarantee you got cheap !$%% that doesn't have real wormwood in it.
the wormwood is what makes you hallucinate. often times what's available in the states does not have the wormwood in it
like everyone is telling you, you prolly got the cheap stuff

ik someone who would import it from spain and he said it wasnt like acid, it was like colors got brighter, and there was a kaleidoscope effect once you getenough
if you had gotten it overseas it would have been in a purer form with the wormwood, and even then you don't take shots of just that dog
You didnt drink it properly and most of brands do not carry the right ingredient (wormwood). You need to heat it up with a cube of sugar and then drink it.
Originally Posted by JDB1523

Where did you try it and did you check the bottle? I know people who have hallucinated, I guarantee you got cheap !$%% that doesn't have real wormwood in it.
the wormwood is what makes you hallucinate. often times what's available in the states does not have the wormwood in it

Ummm ya that was my point?
I thought the title of the threa said ABSTINENCE - don't believe the hype.

I was just gonna come in and confirm that involuntary or voluntary abstinence is not cool.
i was duped too! it didnt do anything but taste nasty.
if u wanna hallucinate, drink a bottle of robo
Originally Posted by ceelo4

You didnt drink it properly and most of brands do not carry the right ingredient (wormwood). You need to heat it up with a cube of sugar and then drink it.

They all have wormwood in it. Even European countries only allow 35mg of thujone that's the active ingredient. The chemical that wormwood caries so itdoesn't do anything to you. The Czech Republic is the only pave that puts 80-120mg of thujone. And I seriously doubt all of you know some 1 from the CzechRepublic that can get it. There have been no real studies with absinthe. So maybe the people that feel it in the US are just light weights that can'thandle their controlled substances.
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