A Tru NBA Warrior is likely finished, Alonzo suffers bad knee injury

He was still really productive and athletic for someone his age. I hope he comes back even though I know he won't.
[Ron Simmons] DAMN [/Ron Simmons]

Damn Zo's career is most likely over. A true warrior who fought hard on the court for the Heat and triumphed over a life-threatening kidneydisease.
That's bravery right there.

To the Raptors and Nets fans in this thread, if you don't have something good to say about Zo, don't say anything.
^^ wow you must be as dumb as your screen name indicates.

zo is a classless bum. raps and nets fans dont say anything?

thats like starting a hitler regime appreciation thread and saying "appreciate his economic policy, but jews, please don't mention theholocaust"
Zo is one of the hardest workers in the NBA.....Hes on that Karl Malone type !+!%......Its sad to see him go out like that
I wanna see him flex now.

I can't stand this guy. From his born-again Christian references after he got a new kidney, to him playing NJ like a fiddle after the surgery, down to hislast Macho Man impression, I'll be the first to say don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Alonzo Morning has no class.
BrOwNiN187 wrote:
zo is a classless bum. raps and nets fans dont say anything?

thats like starting a hitler regime appreciation thread and saying "appreciate his economic policy, but jews, please don't mention the holocaust"
Ummm... no, it's nothing like that.

At all.


Way to keep some perspective there, champ.
JDB1523 wrote:
I wanna see him flex now.

I can't stand this guy. From his born-again Christian references after he got a new kidney, to him playing NJ like a fiddle after the surgery, down to his last Macho Man impression, I'll be the first to say don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Alonzo Morning has no class.
Sounds like you have plenty of class.
Talking about'I want to see him flex now' (as in 'I want to see him flex now that's he's injured') to making fun of his religion, it definitelysounds like you are way ahead of Zo in the 'classy' department.

I've always found responses like that to be ironic. I can understand not liking a guy, but I can't understand how someone can sit there and be so blindtowards their own actions that they fail to see how classlessly they accuse someone else of being classless.
Just doesn't add up.
I believe Wilbon said it best, going out on top, winning a championship, is the second best way to go out, the best way is to go out not on a stretcher, butfrom an injury, as hard as possible, and even if he had to crawl he would walk away, that's the best way.

Also Wilbon said every game after his kidney surgery was a blessing.

Thanks Zo, whether you come back or not, for help bringing excitement to the game of Basketball.
As much as I've disliked him and his occasional antics, he's been a great player with an enormous amount of heart. I feel bad that he had to go outlike that, but at least he did it with courage and integrity by trying to walking off the court. He's been a great member of the NBA. JBD you're wrongfor those comments. Real wrong.
Raptors Fans:

Why should I respect a player who refused to play for a team he was traded to. Whatever fan of any team that your associated with, if you had a really goodplayer be traded to your team, and then demand to be traded out and not even report for the physical, would you have any respect for that player? I sure ashell dont. Its karma, about damn time too.
lol @ the karma arguments

Like all of the good he has done (and he has done more than your favorite player, unless your favorite player is Dikembe) means nothing to you karma folks.
Like all of the good he has done (and he has done more than your favorite player, unless your favorite player is Dikembe) means nothing to you karma folks.

Oh yeah tough guy? What if my favorite player is Manute Bol tough guy.

Personally, I liked Hornets Zo best, absolute beast.

He currently sits 9th All-Time in blocks.

Interesting stat while I was looking things up, in 624 games, Manute Bol had 2086 blocks, only behind Mark Eaton in BPG.
couldn't stand Zo, but you have to respect his dedication and passion.

i had the same knee injury and it took 2 surgeries and 2 years of physical therapy to recover, so i have a lot of sympathy for him right now. hopefully he hasa quick recovery.
cant stand him for how he played the NETS. Dont let the door hit you on the way out. Anyone else think he'll try and play next year???
JDB1523 wrote:
I wanna see him flex now.

I can't stand this guy. From his born-again Christian references after he got a new kidney, to him playing NJ like a fiddle after the surgery, down to his last Macho Man impression, I'll be the first to say don't let the door hit you on the way out...

Alonzo Morning has no class.
Sounds like you have plenty of class.
Talking about 'I want to see him flex now' (as in 'I want to see him flex now that's he's injured') to making fun of his religion, it definitely sounds like you are way ahead of Zo in the 'classy' department.

I've always found responses like that to be ironic. I can understand not liking a guy, but I can't understand how someone can sit there and be so blind towards their own actions that they fail to see how classlessly they accuse someone else of being classless.
Just doesn't add up.

Whoa whoa. Nowhere did I 'make fun' of his religion, my point is that he's a very fake individual. Regardless of my personal religion,I know for a fact that Christians are taught to be humble and, at least in my 'classless' opinion, running around flexing after grabbing basic reboundsis hardly humble. Then he told NJ he could never play basketball again, and how many years has he been with the Heat? And not only WITH them (like as a FTcoach or some BS), but making solid contributions off the bench.

This, ska, is what is ironic. Ask Alanis Morissette if you're still confused.
Like all of the good he has done (and he has done more than your favorite player, unless your favorite player is Dikembe) means nothing to you karma folks.

Oh no, i totally realize that hes done so much good for charities and the miami community. Its not that I dont see that. He is a great person for the Miamicommunity. But to me, I could care less if he played or didnt. I just have never liked Zo at any time in his career.
at these Raptors fans..... that trade was already lopsided to begin with.... at least show respect.... you don't have to like him or admire him, but youhave to respect him.....
at dudes believing in karma...... just remember your actions are based on your thoughts
you don't have to like him or admire him, but you have to respect him

at you tellin people they have to respect people. Nobody is forcing me to respect him or not. I have my own reasons, which started before the Torontosituation to begin with.
A significant number of "respected", and I use the term respected very lightly, NT'ers whopost in S&T are incredibly immature and have the most myopic viewpoints. I wonder if this is an indictment of today's youth, or just this particularboard. Hmm...go figure.

this has nothing to do with respect. was he a great on court performer? yes. everyone can agree to that.

is he a likable person? no. that's what the people have a problem with.

for someone who has struggled like he has, he sure makes it easy to not like him.
The heat was the first nba team that i really liked and followed. Loved ZO's intensity and everything. I think i patterned some of my defense (shotblocking) from him.

Coming back from the kidney problems was a gigantous step for anyone. Seriously, do any of the people who do not like him know how it is to have kidneyfailure? Dialysis? Take 10+ anti rejection drugs everyday and still play at a high level? It takes more than guts. He overcame all this.

Zo is a true warrior. Thanks Zo.
Originally Posted by eddiehouse5

this has nothing to do with respect. was he a great on court performer? yes. everyone can agree to that.

is he a likable person? no. that's what the people have a problem with.

for someone who has struggled like he has, he sure makes it easy to not like him.

This is an example of what I'm talking about, a likable person? Do most of y'all even have an idea fowhat Zo is like as a PERSON. I think y'all are confusing basketball player with PERSON. Yes those to can be mutually exclusive. Zo is and has been one ofthe most HANDS-ON charitable figures in any sport. Not just write a check to the flavor charity of the month...but hands on. Now as a basketball player,y'all don't like him because he was a fierce freakin competitor that played the game with unbelievable passion and zeal. Sure he may piss you off withthe flexing and pumping, but he is a great and unselfish teammate that pretty much leaves it all on the floor. Besides he basically got a second lease onbasketball life after his kidney situation...I'd be flexing too. So yes every block or dunk he got was basically one more than anybody expected after amajor kidney situation. It's ironic...y'all love Ronny Turiaf on here and he's SUPER-amped and he has a second lease on basketball life as well.Nets and Raptor fans get over it. Basketball is a freakin business, heck sports in general is a business and things are not always going to go your way even asa "loyal" fan.

As far as this karma deal y'all are talking about. Hey if playing your childhood dreams sport,making multi-millions, helping people in need, getting over a major kidney issue, finally winning an NBA championship as a CONTRIBUTOR, and leaving the gamebasically as one of the better true centers ever is bad karma...then where can I find some of this bad karma at?
what are you talking about? i never disputed what he does for this community. what he does down here is great, more people should do what he does.

if you want to nitpick the word 'person', then knock yourself out. my dislike for him is strictly based off of basketball decisions. i already said hewas a great on court performer. he gets my hall of fame vote.

however, he ditched the heat when it looked like their future was bleak, chased the money in jersey, never showed up in toronto, then ring chases his way backto miami. i can't, and will NEVER respect that.
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