A serious question about relationships....

damn I don't see how you can live with yourself after raping a girl, that's just straight up low

Their is some *%#+*$ up people in this world.
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me
@ the gifs
Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me
@ the gifs
There are not a lot of answers we can give you because everyone is different. No relationship is the same nor is any person the same.

I am a little shook right now because I have gone through the same exact situation and after reading this got me thinking about it again. I am not naive in thinking that this is rare, unfortunately and to my disgust.. it's not. But it just brought up memories.

You just got to ask yourself how do you feel about her? How does she feel about you? What's your future look like together? There are a lot of different outcomes that can happen from this and a lot can be happy. Just see what you can do for her. One of my closest friends and I posted up in our cars countless nights just talking for hours. We learned a lot and became very close as to where our relationship became unique and indefinable. Be comfortable together and if you care about her, help her.
There are not a lot of answers we can give you because everyone is different. No relationship is the same nor is any person the same.

I am a little shook right now because I have gone through the same exact situation and after reading this got me thinking about it again. I am not naive in thinking that this is rare, unfortunately and to my disgust.. it's not. But it just brought up memories.

You just got to ask yourself how do you feel about her? How does she feel about you? What's your future look like together? There are a lot of different outcomes that can happen from this and a lot can be happy. Just see what you can do for her. One of my closest friends and I posted up in our cars countless nights just talking for hours. We learned a lot and became very close as to where our relationship became unique and indefinable. Be comfortable together and if you care about her, help her.
Originally Posted by Xavier

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me

chick can be damaged emotionally son. u dont want to deal with emotionally damaged chicks unless they got help for that,

I was going under the assumption what the OP said and that it was getting serious, so by the time a relationship gets that far, you should get some sort of feel of how "stable" her emotions are.  It's not like everything's all good and then BAM!, she just says she got sexually assaulted and then becomes a different person after that.  Or am I wrong?
Originally Posted by Xavier

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me

chick can be damaged emotionally son. u dont want to deal with emotionally damaged chicks unless they got help for that,

I was going under the assumption what the OP said and that it was getting serious, so by the time a relationship gets that far, you should get some sort of feel of how "stable" her emotions are.  It's not like everything's all good and then BAM!, she just says she got sexually assaulted and then becomes a different person after that.  Or am I wrong?
Originally Posted by Xavier

JayPesoz wrote:

chick can be damaged emotionally son. u dont want to deal with emotionally damaged chicks unless they got help for that,

So i'm just supposed to avoid a female if she's been sexually assaulted in the past? I guess she's destined to be single the rest of her life unless she got help for it? Cmon.. Don't let this determine what you and her got going on, everyone is different if you like her I honestly don't see the problem with continuing...
Originally Posted by Xavier

JayPesoz wrote:

chick can be damaged emotionally son. u dont want to deal with emotionally damaged chicks unless they got help for that,

So i'm just supposed to avoid a female if she's been sexually assaulted in the past? I guess she's destined to be single the rest of her life unless she got help for it? Cmon.. Don't let this determine what you and her got going on, everyone is different if you like her I honestly don't see the problem with continuing...
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me
@ the gifs
dude in the bottom gif in on beat with the snares that playing on this dubstep
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by JayPesoz

at first, I'd be like

then back to business as usual

As long as she's clear of all STD's, I don't really see how that can affect me
@ the gifs
dude in the bottom gif in on beat with the snares that playing on this dubstep
Originally Posted by luis og13s

what if for her it's a touchy topic to talk about, but she's had a serious relationship after the incident that lasted a few years and she did have a sex life with the ex boyfriend..... its a touchy topic but shes been with with ex boyfriends after the incident occured...  what are your guys opinions?

just have to see where her head is at...has she gotten help for it...how was she in her relationships after...

if you are serious about her it wouldn't hurt to maybe reach out to someone who helps women like her and get their opinion...nothing serious but maybe the Student Health/Wellness Center type thing at your school if you're in college...

everyone is different so just keep your eye on how she reacts to certain topics and situations...g
Originally Posted by luis og13s

what if for her it's a touchy topic to talk about, but she's had a serious relationship after the incident that lasted a few years and she did have a sex life with the ex boyfriend..... its a touchy topic but shes been with with ex boyfriends after the incident occured...  what are your guys opinions?

just have to see where her head is at...has she gotten help for it...how was she in her relationships after...

if you are serious about her it wouldn't hurt to maybe reach out to someone who helps women like her and get their opinion...nothing serious but maybe the Student Health/Wellness Center type thing at your school if you're in college...

everyone is different so just keep your eye on how she reacts to certain topics and situations...g
Originally Posted by luis og13s

what if for her it's a touchy topic to talk about, but she's had a serious relationship after the incident that lasted a few years and she did have a sex life with the ex boyfriend..... its a touchy topic but shes been with with ex boyfriends after the incident occured...  what are your guys opinions?

just have to see where her head is at...has she gotten help for it...how was she in her relationships after...

if you are serious about her it wouldn't hurt to maybe reach out to someone who helps women like her and get their opinion...nothing serious but maybe the Student Health/Wellness Center type thing at your school if you're in college...

everyone is different so just keep your eye on how she reacts to certain topics and situations...good luck
Originally Posted by luis og13s

what if for her it's a touchy topic to talk about, but she's had a serious relationship after the incident that lasted a few years and she did have a sex life with the ex boyfriend..... its a touchy topic but shes been with with ex boyfriends after the incident occured...  what are your guys opinions?

just have to see where her head is at...has she gotten help for it...how was she in her relationships after...

if you are serious about her it wouldn't hurt to maybe reach out to someone who helps women like her and get their opinion...nothing serious but maybe the Student Health/Wellness Center type thing at your school if you're in college...

everyone is different so just keep your eye on how she reacts to certain topics and situations...good luck
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