A-Rod on 60 MINUTES on Sunday. "A-Rod: I've Never Used Steroids"

May 25, 2003
This Sunday, December 16th at 7:00 PM, A-Rod will be on 60 Minutes with Katie Couric.

CBS) While former player and admitted steroid user Jose Canseco was saying the Mitchell Report was "laughable" because it did notaccuse Alex Rodriguez of using steroids, Rodriguez was telling Katie Couric he has never used them and has been tested numerous times for them.

Asked by Couric whether he has ever used steroids, human growth hormone or any other performance-enhancing substance, "No," says Rodriguez. He gavethe same answer to Couric's follow-up on whether he had ever been tempted to use them.

Replying to former Sen. George Mitchell's statement yesterday that his report should be a call to action for baseball fans, Rodriguez says, "I thinkbaseball's done a fine job of implementing some very strict rules. I mean, I got tested eight or nine times. I know some of my teammates got tested, youknow, seven, eight…times," he tells Couric. "And, you know, if you think about where the game is today versus where it was six years ago, I thinkmajor league baseball has made some nice strides."

The all-star slugger also talks about his career, his awkward negotiations before re-signing with the Yankees and his life with his wife, Cynthia, who alsoappears in the interview.
Can someone cue up the Pete Rose interviews where he said he didn't gamble?
Pete Rose said he never gambled on the game, and then admitted that he did.

Barry Bonds said he never used anything, then admitted that he wasn't aware of the stuff his trainer gave him, citing that he thought it was fish liver andflax seed oil.

MgGwire said he was clean and that we should focus on the future, not the past. Turns out he's been busted.

Ankiel said he was clean, and that his transformation was legit, and he's in the Mitchell report.

Landis said he was legit, then that turned out to be false.

Marion Jones said she is appalled by the accusations of her steroid use, then she was proven guilty, and she has now been stripped of her medals.

Roger Clemens said he was clean many times, and his name is one of the most frequently named names in the Mitchell Report.

So at this point, saying you're clean is basically an admission of guilt for me.
So at this point, saying you're clean is basically an admission of guilt for me.

I know that was a joke, but thats how it goes now. It seems like this is always the first step, its only a matter of time until he's outtednow...

And we all know testing negative dont mean $%%% nowdays, Barry never failed a test, Rocket never, Gagne never...A-Rod rich enough to have a tailor-made maskingagent, they can get around them tests...
I want to watch to see how he explains the fiasco that was his opting out and crawling back to the Yankees. Should be interesting.

I honestly don't think he used steroids, though. He just seems like the kind of guy who is extremely talented, and works extremely hard... but the samecould be said about Clemens, so who knows?

Gonna be fun to watch him over the next 10 years, though.
i kinda feel bad for him.
the best player ever and he's never gonna get a ring out of it.
Unless he gets traded somwhere else.
i believe him saying he never used roids. he hosts a basketball tournament at my school (he came here for 1 year & played bball & is still kind oftight with the coach) & spoke to all of us. one of the things he really stressed about was working hard & he seemed pretty sincere about it all.
@ the
he gave after the question: "Do you talk to him (Boras) now?"

This interview annoyed me at times though.

For instance, Katie was like "who has the alltime homerun record?"
A-Rod: Bonds. I think that...
Katie (cutting him off): Bonds has an asterisk next to his name.
A-Rod: Does he?
Katie: Yup.
A-Rod: Not yet.
Katie: In the minds of many.

**** Katie. Are you doing an interview or are you on the federal payroll?

I mean, how are you gonna ask a question and then interject with your own opinion?

Also when she asked "what's your relationship like with Boras today?"
A-Rod hesitated for like a second and here she comes with "why do you have to think about it?"

What the @##%? Chick sounding like a NikeTalker. Breaking down why he's hesitating and %@%!.

Damn, I'm getting my superagents all mixed up. Replace Falk with Boras.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

@ the
he gave after the question: "Do you talk to him (Falk) now?"

This interview annoyed me at times though.

For instance, Katie was like "who has the alltime homerun record?"
A-Rod: Bonds. I think that...
Katie (cutting him off): Bonds has an asterisk next to his name.
A-Rod: Does he?
Katie: Yup.
A-Rod: Not yet.
Katie: In the minds of many.

**** Katie. Are you doing an interview or are you on the federal payroll?

I mean, how are you gonna ask a question and then interject with your own opinion?

Also when she asked "what's your relationship like with Falk today?"
A-Rod hesitated for like a second and here she comes with "why do you have to think about it?"

What the @##%? Chick sounding like a NikeTalker. Breaking down why he's hesitating and %@%!.
Thats messed up, damn Katie.
I'm definitely going to have to check htis out in a couple hours (West Coast).

i kinda feel bad for him.
the best player ever and he's never gonna get a ring out of it.
Unless he gets traded somwhere else.

Awww, how cute......
It's still early, he'll be closely watched.

He dumb for saying he was never tempted, that my friend is a lie.
Where there's smoke, there's fiyahhhhh

At this point... if Canseco says it, may as well take it to the bank
Canseco saying anything or not, someone putting up huge stats like that in the steroid era is more than a coincidence to me.
people want him to be guilty.....dudes gonna be pretending to be bartenders at the club and slip him some hgh into his drink.
Originally Posted by presequel

people want him to be guilty.....dudes gonna be pretending to be bartenders at the club and slip him some hgh into his drink.

Including all of the haters in this thread.
Katie Couric soundin like a straight %+@+% in that interview
I know, especially when she asked A-Rod if he was worth the money the Yanks were paying him. A-Rod shoulda said "#!*!+, are YOU worth themoney CBS is paying you?"
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