A question to all XBOX 360 owners

i got it twice in 2 years, but my xbox worked right after that, then last week i got the e-74 msg, called MS and told me they want 100 bucks to fix it, so icalled them back told them i got red rings of death, then hopefully soon they will send me a fixed xbox
well i got mine 2 black fridays ago when you could get a gift certificate with it...i got the red rings a week before the year warranty expired...that waslucky but up to now i havent got it again, me and my brother play it alot
Originally Posted by raburns04

had mine for almost three years; just got the rrod about two weeks ago. off to microsoft you go . . .
the same exact *%*# happened just to me.
well I got mine on release day back in '06 and I got the red rings of death 3 weeks ago. It's not an over heating issue, cause the first 2 summers Ihad it I NEVER turned it off and I seriously mean NEVER. I would just leave it running and everything was fine. The problem is Microsoft used cheap aluminum (Ithink thats what they used not sure) to hold the motherboard in place. And over time the aluminum starts to rust, dry out, and break away. Once that happensyou get the rings. Now in order to fix this problem (temporarily) you do the "Xbox 360 Towel Trick" what you do is wrap your xbox with 3 towels presspower run your xbox for about 20 minutes WHILE ITS WRAPPED UP. The reason you want to do this is to OVERHEAT the aluminum so it melts and dries back on to themother board. This is a temporary fix and also you run the risk of warping your mother board. I suggest calling Microsoft (1-800-4myxbox) thats what I did. Itonly took a 2 weeks for them to fix it and send it back.

-The Juice
I'm about to get my 360 soon, most likely this week. Is it really best to stand it up vertically or does it not matter? I hear a lot of people say both buti haven't had a solid reason for which way it should stand.
ive had mine for about a year and havent had the red ring yet. sometimes i have serious sessions of 2k online,talkin bout 2-3 hours at a time. one time i thinki played gears for 3-4 hours straight.no problems yet. i think i have one of the newer 360s that are less prone to red ring
I've had it since last November. I use it about 10-15 hours a week, never had a single problem with it.
Originally Posted by N3FF 3000

I've had 3 360's and hadn't had a problem up until last month
. Time to cop a PS3.
Exactly what I did. I went through three 360s, by the third one I just said to hell with it and waited for the PS3 launch.

I don't think it matters how much you play it. I played the hell out of my first system with NBA 2K6 before getting the red ring, then barely playedsystems two and three before they died. I never bothered to look up if people figured out why it happened, just relaying my own experiences.
never had it, and i got it a few months after launch. I don't play everyday, but when i do play it'll be for 2 hours.
I had mine about 2yrs and just got the rings about 2hrs ago! Now Xbox is saying I need $94 to fix it because my warrantyis expired! I use my 360 to play my movies to so now I'm without a dvd player as well!
My douche bag brother left my 360 on for 24 hours straight the other day, and has left it on for hours at a time but i
Haven't gotten the red rings yet. Im pleasantly surprised.
i didnt use my xbox for more than 3 months , and recently when i turn it on i got that stupid red ring of death =|
i got mine on black friday last year.. about a week from a year now... i just bought CoD WoW and rite when i started playing BAM! my %+*$ turns off and thering of death come up.. i couldnt even eject the disc.. so i unplugged the power cord.. works now.. anyone know why or if it will eventually mess up again?
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