A question to all XBOX 360 owners


formerly piczon1983
Dec 25, 2007
How many of you have NOT gotten the red ring of death ? I heard the cause of this was from overheating. For the ones that HAVE gotten it, how many hours do youplay a day to make the system overheat
I got it before , but I have gotten a new one &nd haven't had it .

If you're planning on buying , buy the newer models , they have a lower risk .
I'm stuck at 2 lights, but it's not my hook-up. Maybe my HD is broken or something...

See what you did
Never had it, i have one of the new ones that supposedly dont suffer from RRD as much. Our first one died, but not from the rings. the HD got fried and messedsomething else up, dont remember what.
^Could that be what's going on w/ me. I be %!!%*@$ up and leaving the #%%# on ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day...
I got it, but it turned out to be a HDD issue. All I did was swap HDDs out, and it worked perfectly. I still have to smack the side of my 360 for the disk trayto open tho..
all it takes is a streak of you having nothing to do and your friends being on all the time..and then you just keep playing and playing and playing. thenit'll probably happens. so basically if you have better things to do all the time you're not gonna get it
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

^Could that be what's going on w/ me. I be %!!%*@$ up and leaving the #%%# on ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day...
2 red lights is supposed to indicate overheating
you should turn on Automatic Shut off, it will go off after like 6-8hrs. of inactivity.
my xbox just recently got the three blinking lights
and i barely play this crap, and its the arcade console, ive only had it for like 8 months, i playMAYBE 2 hours a week, if not less, and i cannot send it back to microsoft because its been modded and the microsoft seal has been broken,
, so i guess imgonna try one of these guys on craigslist that say they can fix it by beefing up the heatsinks and wat not, hopefully it works, if not, im only out 35 bucks,and i didnt pay for the xbox so im not really trippin. ehhhh...
the x clamp mod fixes the red rings. paid 40 bucks to get it done a year ago and been good ever since
Never had it.

P.S. I got a Falcon Elite for sale with 4 controllers, 2, rechargeable batteries, 2 GH guitars, and 13 games for sale.
Holla at me.
Originally Posted by nelly28

the x clamp mod fixes the red rings. paid 40 bucks to get it done a year ago and been good ever since

ya thats what homie said he does to it that x clamp stuff, so i guess ima give it a shot
had mine for almost three years; just got the rrod about two weeks ago. off to microsoft you go . . .
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